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Andy C 03-30-2013 05:52 PM

best virus software
What do y'all all use. ?? Makfee didn't work and made my CPU slow slow when it was running !!!

CajunSaint 03-30-2013 06:07 PM

Also download superantispyware works pretty good for free!

AceArcher 03-30-2013 08:34 PM

Oh dear god please dont use either one of those products, mcaffee and norton are both extremely bloated ad/spyware hidden under the auspices of previously good products.

Download and install Avast Free version, Microsoft Security Essentials, or AVG antivirus. Personally i like Avast the best.

If you want to keep you comp nice and speedy download and install the free version of Glary utilities and run the 1 click fix every month or so.

for what its worth i did computer repair and pc building work on the side for the last 10 years.

southern151 03-30-2013 08:35 PM

Norton slowed my pc to a crawl! Waste of $80!!!

AceArcher 03-30-2013 08:36 PM

ps make sure you get rid of mcaffee completely use a program like revo uninstaller to completely remove the program before installing a new program.

BROWN FIN 03-30-2013 09:35 PM

Top notch and doesn't slow your PC down.


AceArcher 03-30-2013 09:44 PM

eset is good stuff, only reason i like avast better is because i think it gives me everything eset does without a bill ... :)

StraightArrow 03-31-2013 10:47 PM

I tried Norton, McAfee, and Kaspersky over the years and most recently have been using Avast, CCleaner, Spybot S&D, and Glary Utilities. All free and apparently use less system resources. Have had no apparent problems. Norton was the worst memory hog!

redaddiction 03-31-2013 10:58 PM

Security Essentials is very light on your computer. Doesn't bog down the CPU like Norton and Mcafee.

Andy C 04-01-2013 06:37 AM

Thanks guys

biggun 05-23-2013 10:59 PM

I just purchased Norton.. Can I call them and uninstall it and then get my money back..

I've been told the hackers are faster than the free anti spy or malware can keep up with...

I read AVAST and AVG were good for free stuff.. But was told that stuff like Norton and Mc Afee was the best because it purchased, and secure???



AceArcher 05-23-2013 11:07 PM

Gunn.... how can i say this nicely... you been had.

The big guys got their name by being cutting edge like Avast & AVG a long time ago. Both avast and AVG offer versions where you can pay a little bit and get more security than you will probably know what to do with. But the free service they offer is still best around. Avast uses a live virus reporting feature and is updated daily if not more often.

In all honesty... start with a fresh install of windows, add in avast free version, and then run glary utilities to maximize your computer. Other than that just conduct your internet searches with some good sense... don't install anything that your computer asks you to install (toolbars, etc) unless you know its from a trusted source..

In other words, if your surfing around on and they recommend you install an update... go ahead...

if on the other hand your surfing on and they advise that they need to install an update to your video player so you can join in the fun.... just pass...

as far as calling norton and getting your money back once you have installed the product... doubt it's gonna happen but give em a call and give it a good old college try... you never know.



PaulMyers 05-23-2013 11:07 PM

If you're not having trouble with Norton, leave it on your computer. There is a reason most large corporations use it, It works!

meaux fishing 05-23-2013 11:09 PM

Yeah I've been using free antivirus software for a long time and have never had a problem

biggun 05-24-2013 01:35 AM

I downloaded Glary Utilities.. Will this slow my LAPTOP down or fight my Norton antivirus malware???



AceArcher 05-24-2013 07:20 AM

glary utilities is just a system optimizer / cleaner. its a program that you will run every once in a while to clean up you computer a bit so that it operates more efficiently. it does not run all the time.

once installed just run the 1 click fix, and after it does what is needed click repair problems.

evidrine 05-24-2013 07:45 AM

Try malwarebytes as well. If you keep it updated I find that it sometimes picks up things that the others miss.

AceArcher 05-24-2013 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by PaulMyers (Post 584063)
If you're not having trouble with Norton, leave it on your computer. There is a reason most large corporations use it, It works!

In all fairness, Norton is not the resource hog that it once was.

I am sure that you remember that there was a time not to long ago that Norton would stop all but the most powerful desktop PC's in their tracks.

That's no longer the case and all in all Norton is a fairly solid product. It is still bloated, but not system cloggingly so.

With that said. There is also a reason why most computer literate people don't choose Norton. To put it simply you can have Norton's level of protection without it's bloat for free.

Ed32 05-31-2013 10:50 AM

help! how do u remove norton from your computer. i just bought a new hp and it came with it pre installed. i clicked on the program but it doesnt give me an option to uninstall, just to remove it to recycle bin?

Tete Dur 05-31-2013 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ed32 (Post 587309)
help! how do u remove norton from your computer. i just bought a new hp and it came with it pre installed. i clicked on the program but it doesnt give me an option to uninstall, just to remove it to recycle bin?

When I have a program like that I can't get removed I just google it. There will be tech forums that pop up in the search that will guide you through the process.

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