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Cappy 06-12-2015 03:42 PM

A Real Steam Bath Outside
I managed to push mow half of the yard but hadda take a break. There is still standing water back by the fence and it is very humid cause of all the evaporating water. Neighbor just told me Pigly Wigly got richards sausage on sale 10$ for 4 lbs. Think I'll go get some to go with all that squash 2.50 a lb aint bad these days for decent smoked sausage.

lil bubba 06-12-2015 04:58 PM

You better finish if you can,,,,more rain coming,,,I got mine before the rain yesterday...I planted squash and they an embarrassment compared to your "volenteer's"....As for smoke sausage , you ever get around to Krotz Springs the first lil wood store on the left is the best I ever had....Stuffed boudin balls are legit also....

Cappy 06-12-2015 06:14 PM

yea I know the place well but last time I checked they were very proud of their sausage hard to pay 7 a lb when richards is only 2.50 and not too bad a sausage.specially since ya recooking it in something anyways. I got it all mowed and the mower sprayed off and saved before the rain thank the Lord fresh out the shower now its PBR time.:brew:

Cappy 06-22-2015 01:44 PM

Well my beloved wife has a saying, small steps for big feats, or is that feets:) Anyways it took me yesturday and today to get every thing weed eated and blown off and now I am rounding up some drive way and fence weeds. Very hot so I am biting it off in small chunks. At this rate I will finish this round right about when its time to crank the mower and start again.

Cappy 07-01-2015 07:11 PM

At least I got the back yard done before the rain set in its the low part course its still raining so I may not be able to finish tomorrow. Was hoping to get it all done and cleaned up I plan to spend the weekend home safe and sound sitting in the yard and smoke up da neighborhood by burning something on the pit.

Cappy 07-03-2015 09:52 AM

At 7 AM both the temp and humidity were sitting at 80 I broke a sweat just going to the store. hard to believe I usta work all day swinging a briar hook when I was a kid, now that I am old and chubby the heat is brutal.

lil bubba 07-03-2015 10:09 AM

Get'n my yard work done now.....It is a tadd warm out....But then again it is JULY....Looks like my fig crop gunna be a bust too....Lot of figs but they not even try'n to get ripe....Hopefully the soft pears will be coming in a couple weeks.....

Cappy 07-03-2015 11:59 AM

Don't worry bout da figs too much dude mine are just now starting to turn.

duckman1911 07-26-2015 09:10 AM

Finally got some rain. Rained hard for 15 minutes or so and now the sun is out in force. Gota love our crazy weather.

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