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Blue Wave 2200 02-11-2016 05:50 PM

Only the Beginning
TOPS payments stopped immediately due to state budget crisis. Thank you Gov Edwards!

Blue Wave 2200 02-11-2016 06:26 PM

Or should I thank Jindal for leaving the mess?

Feesherman 02-11-2016 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Blue Wave 2200 (Post 786602)
Or should I thank Jindal for leaving the mess?

Pretty sure it's Bush's fault

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marty f 02-11-2016 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Blue Wave 2200 (Post 786601)
TOPS payments stopped immediately due to state budget crisis. Thank you Gov Edwards!

The worst has yet to come. Glad Im not making any BIG purchases any time soon. Seriously thinking about making some financial adjustments to move everything out of state.

Say good bye to cheap gas, and not for the RIGHT (oil field jobs) reasons

simplepeddler 02-11-2016 07:18 PM

never fear though.....those food stamps will keep pumping out!

Top Dawg 02-11-2016 07:55 PM

No worries. Bernie gonna make college free.

Pat Babaz 02-11-2016 08:10 PM

I think its just political posturing by Edwards to get the state house and senate to go along with his tax hikes. Kinda like how the left says ok ya'll want to cut the budget, lets turn all the criminals loose and lay off the fire and police. Instead of looking at smart ways to cut the fat, they try to cause a panic.

Pat Babaz 02-11-2016 08:14 PM

They could easily fix TOPS by making the first year TOPS students have to get a student loan for the first year... You make the grades, we pay off your loan. That way you wouldn't have tons of 18yr olds going to college just to party on the state's dime and then drop out.

CajunSaint 02-11-2016 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Pat Babaz (Post 786611)
They could easily fix TOPS by making the first year TOPS students have to get a student loan for the first year... You make the grades, we pay off your loan. That way you wouldn't have tons of 18yr olds going to college just to party on the state's dime and then drop out.

I agree, but do you really believe that will happen?

CajunSaint 02-11-2016 08:34 PM

Sorry guys really slow connections.
Hotel,New Jersey,I,ll connect tomorrow...

simplepeddler 02-11-2016 08:48 PM

Stop payments to EVERY SINGLE legislator until this gets fixed.
Listen to our state treasurer for once and stop paying for 19,000 consultants.

root out ALL fraud in medicare/medicaid

I'll take the one cent sales tax- at least everyone participates

put those capable of working that are on welfare -working

Stop the state tractors cutting grass and line up pot heads in jail shoulder to shoulder with push mowers cutting state grass

Drug testing for welfare reciepients
Subsistence food only for those that can work and choose not to.

Reduce welfare payments over five years by 20% a year for those capable of working and choose not

and lastly a 50% tax on all awards over 500K to be paid by the TRIAL LAWYER because it was those that put him in office.

marty f 02-11-2016 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by simplepeddler (Post 786616)
Stop payments to EVERY SINGLE legislator until this gets fixed.
Listen to our state treasurer for once and stop paying for 19,000 consultants.

root out ALL fraud in medicare/medicaid

I'll take the one cent sales tax- at least everyone participates

put those capable of working that are on welfare -working

Stop the state tractors cutting grass and line up pot heads in jail shoulder to shoulder with push mowers cutting state grass

Drug testing for welfare reciepients
Subsistence food only for those that can work and choose not to.

Reduce welfare payments over five years by 20% a year for those capable of working and choose not

and lastly a 50% tax on all awards over 500K to be paid by the TRIAL LAWYER because it was those that put him in office.

simplepeddler 02-11-2016 09:26 PM's a start!

eman 02-11-2016 11:18 PM

Nickt87 02-12-2016 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Blue Wave 2200 (Post 786601)
TOPS payments stopped immediately due to state budget crisis. Thank you Gov Edwards!

This is a G O D D A M N S H A M E.

But another way to look at it is this. Maybe all the kids with High GPAs and Test Scores will still qualify for other Scholarships and continue their pursuit towards a college education. And maybe the other group of half-*** dumbasses that squeezed by with TOPS and are only going to college(and will drop out in the first 2 semesters) bc its free will find another valuable career path. Like getting a skill or trade. Welders, Fitters, Equipment Operators, and other tradesmen need a SERIOUS rebirth.

Nickt87 02-12-2016 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by simplepeddler (Post 786616)
Stop payments to EVERY SINGLE legislator until this gets fixed.
Listen to our state treasurer for once and stop paying for 19,000 consultants.

root out ALL fraud in medicare/medicaid

I'll take the one cent sales tax- at least everyone participates

put those capable of working that are on welfare -working

Stop the state tractors cutting grass and line up pot heads in jail shoulder to shoulder with push mowers cutting state grass

Drug testing for welfare reciepients
Subsistence food only for those that can work and choose not to.

Reduce welfare payments over five years by 20% a year for those capable of working and choose not

and lastly a 50% tax on all awards over 500K to be paid by the TRIAL LAWYER because it was those that put him in office.

I drive the I-210 Corridor everyday to work. Passing the casino area the other day I couldn't help but notice all of the trash and debris on the roadway. 3 MAJOR casinos in a 2 mile radius, multiple refineries in a 10 mile radius, highest incarceration rate in the whole country and we can't find the cash or labor to keep the sides of the road clean and manicured?! It's a minute example but a great representation of this disaster area we live in.

swamp snorkler 02-12-2016 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by simplepeddler (Post 786616)

Stop the state tractors cutting grass and line up pot heads in jail shoulder to shoulder with push mowers cutting state grass

When I went to Jamaica they had prisoners lined up cutting the roadsides with weed eaters.

jpeff31787 02-12-2016 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by swamp snorkler (Post 786632)
When I went to Jamaica they had prisoners lined up cutting the roadsides with weed eaters.

that's way less expensive than all those big tractors

"W" 02-12-2016 09:17 AM

What happen to Casinos paying for Tops ?

Lol .. Boy it sounded good

Ragin_Cajun 02-12-2016 10:39 AM

Well, when a good portion of the state budget is funded by oil royalties and the price drops roughly 75% from two years ago, of course there will be a deficit!

They are many ways to skin a cat, it all depends on who is doing the skinning....the right or the left!!!!!!!!!!

All I can say, I didn't think everyone would still be paying for that piece of *ss Vitter had years ago. Kinda like a STD, gift that keeps on giving!!!!! LOL That election had NOTHING to do with policy, all about smearing character. If his wife could forgive him, who in the hell are we to judge. Just saying.

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