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cmdrost 06-29-2009 03:25 PM

triple tail
Lots of talk of catching triple tail lately. Did you know LA is only state in the Gulf that does not have a limit on triple tail?

I've asked several within LDWF why and they haven't really given me a good answer. If they say stock is healthy then I won't complain, but in this day and age, every species should have some kind of limit on it for protection.

One person at LDWF said they are prolific fish, like mahi-mahi, another one said its not studied enough to know, but TX has a limit of 4 and MS has a limit of 3.

Capt. Ryan Rachunek 06-29-2009 06:45 PM

Just to let you know, the daily limit on Tripletail here in Texas is 3 fish per day - 17" minimum length, no maximum length...

LaAngler 06-30-2009 08:40 AM

Interesting, I have never seen more than a dozen or so in one spot.

Seems like there are more dolphin than tripletail that's for sure.

cmdrost 06-30-2009 10:23 AM

thanks for correction capt. Had my states mixed up.

I've heard people in local tackle shops saying they've caught 40 or 50 in one outing. I disagree that they are prolific like dolphin too, but who knows.

LaAngler 10-21-2009 10:27 AM

i would support a reasonable limit on tripletail, maybe no size limit and 6 a person?

from what i've seen of tripletail they really aren't like dolphin where hundreds or more can appear in a split second.....

can anyone find any research that A&M or TP&W have done?

cmdrost 10-21-2009 10:41 AM

I've heard from TX biologists on the matter. Still a very misunderstood fish. They have admitted they still don't know enough about the species but set a proactive limit of 3 per person with a 17" min to be safe.

BTW - you should see a poll from CCA LA soon on this very subject.

Here's some quotes and data on the subject:

Retired Fisheries biologist, Jerald Horst in a September 2009 article of Louisiana Sportsman, quotes well known Capt. Dudley Vandeborre, saying, "When we first started fishing them (tripletail) it was easy to see over a hundred fish a day.... Now a good day is 15 -18. It would probably be better for people to catch a few each than one really good fisherman to catch a hundred. I've put myself and my clients on a 2-fish per person limit".

State Limits on Triple Tail
1. Texas 3 per person 17" minimum
2. Georgia 2 per person 18" minimum
3. Alabama 2 per person 16" minimum
4. Florida 2 per person 15" minimum
5. Mississippi - currently working on establishing a limit

In a recent article in Tide Magazine, Zach Harvey writes that, "A common thread running through every incident of "localized depletion" is the fishing community's failure to restrain itself. Each player in the specific fishery gets in on the act because every other player is in on the act. Some know that participating in the event is morally or environmentally shaky. Then again in the face of a gold rush, who can argue that the fish won't get wiped out anyway? Where is the incentive, individuals wonder, for "me" to abstain, when fish are doomed anyway?"

MulletBreath 10-21-2009 10:47 AM

yeah id rather be on the safe side and have a limit. id hate to see the day where triple tail become extremely scare :(

Jordan 10-21-2009 10:47 AM

im sticking with trout !!!

LaAngler 10-21-2009 10:56 AM

good for Dudley for doing that, very admirable...

but you know the rest of the captains over there don't, hell they don't even know what catch and release is.

I doubt LA sportsman really cares much about it, they have done a few shows this past summer wearing the tripletail out.......

"W" 10-21-2009 11:20 AM

If you notice.... that you can split the state on Conservation.... Im just saying one side is way better than the other!!! I think Triple tail should range in No size but 2-4 per person....I also think if your a capt. fishing with clients you should not be able to catch your limit of trout...If you take out 3... 45 is plenty..... leave your 15 in the lake..... Dont know how others look at that just a thought

Ray 10-21-2009 02:22 PM

Tripletail have lots of meat on them. 2 or 3 is really plenty, unless you don't get to fish much.
10 years ago, they were a lot more plentiful than now. When I fished offshore, we would catch a couple on the way in. They were easy to find at that time and I have seen a lot of fishermen throw them back cause they didn't know what they were and if they were good eating. I guess the word is out and they are catching more.

speck-chaser 10-21-2009 10:12 PM

I would like to just catch 1 right

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