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duckfreak 01-09-2011 12:53 PM

Newbie Part II
Well here we go, picked up my boat Friday afternoon after $400.00 repair and off to the camp Friday evening. Got up bright and early launched the boat and headed down river, man no problems, she ran like a champ. Got set up, with high anticipation and waited, and waited and waited, low water and no wind usually spells bad HUNT. When the tide came up, the wind started and we scratched out 1-Green head, 2-Teal, 2-Pintail, and 2-Pouldoo. Called it a day mid afternoon, picked up decoys and started in..... GUESS WHAT??????? Same lower problem started AGAIN.............:pissed: Well it was as bad as last weekend so I continued on plain so we could get as far in as we could. Got about halfway back and lost forward gear completely, had reverse so started up river BACKWARDS in hopes that a boat would pass and give us a tow. Well let me tell you four boats passed and none stopped!!!!!!!!!!! Man I tell you what some people don't deserve to own and operate boats, much less enjoy the opportunity to be in the outdoors. I guess in there eyes seeing a boat going BACKWARDS up river is normal. Anyway I wound up calling the St Mary Parish SO, and they sent thier water patrol boat to assist me, it was getting late and was concerned about getting my eight year out of the cold. Needless to say, my mechanic and I did not have a very friendly conversation yesterday evening......... I can honestly say that this was the first time I have every been towed in, and been on the water for many a years, so I guess I was due one.... but man two weekends in a row with the same problem, something just not right with that. Sorry for the long post, but just had to vent..........:rotfl:

longcast 01-09-2011 01:27 PM

People either dont know or dont care. I have towed 2 people in in the last month. One guy told me six people would not tow him in. He said they were all going fishing or they were not going to the same launch. ***. I would never leave someone on the water. I hope people would not leave me. That **** is not cool.

SULPHITE 01-09-2011 10:17 PM

My pops and I were fishing in the sabine impoundment years ago...needless to say its a good run in a 14' flat w/ a johnson the Johnson motor is important in this story...We caught quite a few bass that day and decided to leave early because of the long haul. We had to drop the boat back into the canal from the impoundment and soon were on our way. We started following a couple of bass boats (with larger motors) as we made our way back. We round a turn into a long straightaway and I saw a bass boat on the outside of a marsh cut...the two larger boats in front of us pass the boat outside the cut, then as we get closer the two guys in the boat start waving and jumping up and throttles down and putts over to the guys...This is a 17-18' bass boat and I notice the cawlin is off and its a Johnson motor "Hey man we got some issues with the motor......and we need a tow in!!" My dad says " OK, but let me ask you a question"..."Why did you let let two larger boats in front of us go by they could have pulled you in a bit easier??

The man answers "The hell I'm gonna be pulled in by a damn Mercury!!!!!"

It took us two tanks of gas and a 3/4 of a trolling motor battery trolling to get them to the viton drainage ditch launch...My dad and I were sunburnt as hell and tired...glad we could help the guy out but that ol' 25 johnson had a hell of time pulling that big glass boat! LOL!

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