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southern151 06-24-2011 06:51 PM

My time here and big dang thanks!
My arrival in Louisiana.
I left Oklahoma March 14, 2004 headed this way for a 4 week job in which, I told my mom, I’d be back in 3 days. Never did I know I’d stay. Never did I envision that I’d meet such a fine group of people.
Where I come from, we do for others because…Well, just damn because!, your dad will knock the piss out you if you don’t! When I came to LA, I knew I had found a group of the same! People here do things on their own time but, things ALWAYS get done and your friends, family and neighbors come first!

Condensing this long road, I’ll cut to the chase!

I met a great group of people here in Gonzales that made me feel right at home! Jan David Pavey, Jerry Babin, Johnny Fredrick, Darren Bergeron and their significant others, just to name a few. Sadly, some of these folks are now deceased. God rest his soul, Jerry Babin told me, it’s not where you’re from or what you’ve done, it’s where you’re at and what you plan to do that matters! Those words changed my life and still ring in my ears daily. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of him and what he taught me. Hell, the night he died, I even watched LSU baseball with him! LOL

On to more great people I’ve met here! Forgive me if I ramble.
I got into LA outdoors and fell in love!!! How could you not?! Then, when things started to unwind elsewhere, I found Since my inaugural days, I’ve had the priviledge of working, fishing, and dealing with a good number of you! (I’ll use their usernames)… I don’t know where to begin!… Eman, comes to mind first because he took me and showed me around Hopedale. When my dad had his heart attack, he came to the shop and helped me in ways that he likely doesn’t know. He saved my sanity in one of my biggest moments of crisis. The SC crew stepped it up and offered tremendous help during that time as well. I still thank you ALL for the prayers!

WTRetrievers, you sent me work on my word and I hope we’ve never disappointed you!

Outcast and Fishinpox, you’ve always been quick to give me pointers on locations for fishing and I can’t thank you enough!

SimplePeddler, when I needed your help in my move with the shop, you were right there!!!! Holy cripes, you don’t even know! You are the man and I’ll always be there for you when you need something! You also said something that I’ll never forget. “You do for everyone else so, today is your day.” It’s still one of the most humbling statements I’ve ever heard. You’ll never have a deductible! LOL

PaulMeyers, you took me fishing in LC when no one else wanted to respond! You put a stranger in your truck and treated me like we’d known each other for years! Hell, you drove all the way across the state to get new tires and door pins! I know it didn’t save ya that much dang money! LOL I’ll never forget that though!

I know that I’m leaving some people out here and I do apologize! As you come to my mind, I’ll be sure to put you up here! I thank everyone for making this my home and I can only hope that the rest of the world has had the great fortune of knowing great people, like I have!

Montauk17 06-24-2011 07:21 PM

Good read bro,sorry to hear about the loss of your friend,I know the feeling. Saltycajun is more of a family than a website. Most outdoorsmen are good people for the most part,this site proves that. I have made several friends on here,and one hell of a good tuna trip that would have never happen without the site. Paul is good people for sure,he offered to come pick me up in lafayette to bring me fishing. Not many people do that!

longsidelandry 06-24-2011 07:29 PM

Awesome story Corey! Sorry to hear about your friend but it sounds like he left a lasting impression on you. The guys here, and in Louisiana in general, are a rare breed. We'll do for others without asking "why" or "what are you going to do for me", we ask "when and where". I've had the pleasure of meeting you once for a quick lunch at Pete's and greatly appreciate the help you gave me when my truck bumper was kicking my *** one afternoon after a lil fender bender. All the guys here (well, most of 'em anyway :p) are A+ in my book and I'm proud to call them friends.

Is it October Yet 06-24-2011 07:52 PM

Heck I haven't even met you yet and already got you in trouble with your wife. I try and make it a point every day to do something to help someone. Firm believer in do unto others and nothing like getting a person that is having a bad day to smile.

Mediumheavyaction6'6 06-24-2011 08:11 PM

there are times when I am sifting through the nonsense that this site at times can offer that when I first came here I was given helpful fishing advice as well. Thank you Corey, for reminding me why I love this state and this site...

fishinpox 06-24-2011 08:22 PM

:) u helped me weld them iron rails !!! Thanks homie

duckman444 06-24-2011 09:21 PM

Great read. Sorry for ur loss. You could not have said it Ny better.

southern151 06-24-2011 09:25 PM

Today, Jan David Pavet was laid to rest and, it got me to thinking about where I am and who I've become. Fellas, it's been a ride and I'd take it again in a moment's notice!

My gratitude to those who have formed me and helped me otherwise will never be forgotten!

iron man 06-24-2011 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by southern151 (Post 275500)
My arrival in Louisiana.
I left Oklahoma March 14, 2004 headed this way for a 4 week job in which, I told my mom, I’d be back in 3 days. Never did I know I’d stay. Never did I envision that I’d meet such a fine group of people.
Where I come from, we do for others because…Well, just damn because!, your dad will knock the piss out you if you don’t! When I came to LA, I knew I had found a group of the same! People here do things on their own time but, things ALWAYS get done and your friends, family and neighbors come first!

Condensing this long road, I’ll cut to the chase!

I met a great group of people here in Gonzales that made me feel right at home! Jan David Pavey, Jerry Babin, Johnny Fredrick, Darren Bergeron and their significant others, just to name a few. Sadly, some of these folks are now deceased. God rest his soul, Jerry Babin told me, it’s not where you’re from or what you’ve done, it’s where you’re at and what you plan to do that matters! Those words changed my life and still ring in my ears daily. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of him and what he taught me. Hell, the night he died, I even watched LSU baseball with him! LOL

On to more great people I’ve met here! Forgive me if I ramble.
I got into LA outdoors and fell in love!!! How could you not?! Then, when things started to unwind elsewhere, I found Since my inaugural days, I’ve had the priviledge of working, fishing, and dealing with a good number of you! (I’ll use their usernames)… I don’t know where to begin!… Eman, comes to mind first because he took me and showed me around Hopedale. When my dad had his heart attack, he came to the shop and helped me in ways that he likely doesn’t know. He saved my sanity in one of my biggest moments of crisis. The SC crew stepped it up and offered tremendous help during that time as well. I still thank you ALL for the prayers!

WTRetrievers, you sent me work on my word and I hope we’ve never disappointed you!

Outcast and Fishinpox, you’ve always been quick to give me pointers on locations for fishing and I can’t thank you enough!

SimplePeddler, when I needed your help in my move with the shop, you were right there!!!! Holy cripes, you don’t even know! You are the man and I’ll always be there for you when you need something! You also said something that I’ll never forget. “You do for everyone else so, today is your day.” It’s still one of the most humbling statements I’ve ever heard. You’ll never have a deductible! LOL

PaulMeyers, you took me fishing in LC when no one else wanted to respond! You put a stranger in your truck and treated me like we’d known each other for years! Hell, you drove all the way across the state to get new tires and door pins! I know it didn’t save ya that much dang money! LOL I’ll never forget that though!

I know that I’m leaving some people out here and I do apologize! As you come to my mind, I’ll be sure to put you up here! I thank everyone for making this my home and I can only hope that the rest of the world has had the great fortune of knowing great people, like I have!

Good bunch of guys right there.
I wouldn't leave this state and not come back. Theres no place like home.

southern151 06-24-2011 09:50 PM

Ahh, dangit! How did I forget?! Dink! He was gracious enough to take the time tp take my dad and me out on his boat! Way, way out on his boat! First time for a real offshore trip for both of us! It was truly a great time and a learning experience! He and his dad are golden in my book!

eman 06-24-2011 09:52 PM

Corey ,
You and i have had some long and thoughtful discussions and i consider you a friend. I was raised to help out my fellow man , As i get older some things are a little harder to do
You ,like me believe in God first and Karma next. If karma doesn't pay you back for your bad deeds ,God will.

outcast 06-24-2011 10:17 PM

Im a firm believer in treating others the way i want to be treated. Ive met some great people on this site and hope to meet many more! Corey, anytime you need anything you got my number, and if you ever need advice on how to get stuck in dularge, i can help you out with that!
We got a good bunch of people here!

BIGJ 06-24-2011 10:28 PM

Corey, With the way you have taken charge to help other people thur this site I can understand why these guys helped you out. Keep it up man.

Dink 06-24-2011 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by BIGJ (Post 275629)
Corey, With the way you have taken charge to help other people thur this site I can understand why these guys helped you out. Keep it up man. you think you were invited? Cause you'd be the first to do the same.....can't wait to do it again

LPfishnTIM 06-24-2011 11:14 PM

Hey corey thanks for that trip to hopedale in the winter, your the only one on the site that I have fished with, and I enjoyed it! looking forward to another trip soon!

Dink 06-24-2011 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by LPfishnTIM (Post 275657)
Hey corey thanks for that trip to hopedale in the winter, your the only one on the site that I have fished with, and I enjoyed it! looking forward to another trip soon!

That's only cause you in you don't message folks......if Corey's dad ain't gonna make it, come with us next trip

LPfishnTIM 06-24-2011 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Dink (Post 275667)
That's only cause you in you don't message folks......if Corey's dad ain't gonna make it, come with us next trip

alright, Yeah I don't like to begg either! but if anyone invites me fishing they don't have to ask twice! I'm wanting to go tomorrow or sunday, but my powerpack went out on my motor so i'll be bank fishing unless someone wants to bring me, I'm always up for paying gas!

DUCKGOGETTER 06-25-2011 06:26 AM

Corey sorry to hear about your freind prayers sent. You're right this group of guys are a great bunch and i feel any of them would stop at a drop of a hat to help someone. I've only met a couple of people on this site and i have learned alot of tips on here from fishing, hunting or just life in general. I hope i have the pleasure to meet many more of ya'll.

hankscke123 07-09-2011 05:50 AM

Well Corey called me when I was in new Orleans with my dad having lung surgery for cancer and gave me good info and a pep talk well 4 months down the road he is cancer free and I never thanked him.he did not know me from Adam but he helped me out in a time of need and will be forever grateful

southern151 03-14-2012 03:44 PM

Today makes 8 years in the great state of Louisiana! Thanks to everyone for being a part of it! It just wouldn't have been the same without ya guys!

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