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Savagespec619 07-24-2011 08:11 PM

Sea sickness
What is the BEst way to prevent sea sickness in the gulf of mexico??:redface:

PaulMyers 07-24-2011 08:23 PM

Don't go??? ;) I've never had it so I can't help you there.

Savagespec619 07-24-2011 08:32 PM

hahah yea cuzz once you get out there theres nothing worse than sea sickness.. some people say just get **** faced.! that might workk.. i better start drinking in the lake before we get out there and when we wake up

Kenner18 07-24-2011 08:35 PM

If you can find it try Bonine .

H2OFwlKlr 07-24-2011 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Savagespec619 (Post 292701)
hahah yea cuzz once you get out there theres nothing worse than sea sickness.. some people say just get **** faced.! that might workk.. i better start drinking in the lake before we get out there and when we wake up

Absolute worst thing to do! Take your worst drunk, puking, night out and multiply it by a thousand, and that is how you will feel if you get sea sick!
You will be begging someone to put you out of your misery!

I know, I get sick sometimes. I absolutely do not drink when I go offshore. The last few trips I have taken two Dramamine one hour before we leave, and take one every 3 hours after that, and always eat a little something when you take the Dramamine. It worked for me and the last time was an overnight tuna trip and it was very rough!

Good Luck to ya!

Not responsible for the results if you still get sick! :spineyes:

Savagespec619 07-24-2011 08:52 PM

Thanks h2o i wont do that then hahah

southern151 07-24-2011 08:55 PM

Never been seasick but, when we went out I took a couple of Dramamine before we left and never felt bad once.

Didn't know how I'd react so, I went the proactive route because I HATE getting sick!

Ray 07-24-2011 09:39 PM

Only time I was ever sea sick was morning after I got drunk. All 3 of us were puking.

Best thing to do is take Bonine night before you go fishing, then again in the morning.
If you forget in the morning, what you took night before is still in your system and you
can take another when you think about it.
If you get seasick, then think about the pills, it's too late.
My wife gets seasick easy. She figgered this out a long time ago.

BossHog 07-24-2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Savagespec619 (Post 292701)
hahah yea cuzz once you get out there theres nothing worse than sea sickness.. some people say just get **** faced.! that might workk.. i better start drinking in the lake before we get out there and when we wake up

I know alot of people that will get seasick if they don't drink while out there. I know it sounds crazy but they always get sick if they don't drink and never while drinking. I'm just lucky I never get it.

LPfishnTIM 07-24-2011 10:48 PM

keep your balance or as some say "get your sea feet" and don't go fishing on a empty stomach, and if you stop and sit down when you tie on a bait or hook, do it as fast as possible the sitting down and staring at a line hook and trying to tie it gets me sea sick, I had to learn to do this fast while standing and keeping balance, and if your hungry it makes it even worse! never took the pills.

skeeter77346 07-25-2011 07:21 AM

Otion 1: Relief Band
I have seen that work on a newbie offshore - my brother put it on his teenage some and within 30 minutes it made a huge difference.

Option 2: "Rub your back on a big oak tree" ;-)

Also, avoid boozing the night before, greasy food, etc. Dry snack bars, crackers, etc. are OK though before you go and stay hydrated as others have said - lots of water or 'gatorade'.

Ray 07-25-2011 12:08 PM

When I fished offshore, I seen a lot of them seasick bands go overboard.

skeeter77346 07-25-2011 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ray (Post 293199)
When I fished offshore, I seen a lot of them seasick bands go overboard.

Yeah Ray, I agree there are lots of gimmicks out there. I just know my brother's teenage boy was in a bad way, and that thing worked for him - took 20 to 30 around minutes, but I was amazed. They had tried the pressure bands, and the behind the ear patches on previous trips too.
Anyhow, just passing it on.

Savagespec619 07-27-2011 05:55 PM


weedeater 07-27-2011 08:18 PM

Ate Tony's Pizza one Sunday nite after church then got called off-shore about 2hrs later, we left the old Crain Brothers dock in 12-14' :spineyes:seas and I threw-up:puke::puke::puke: way more pizza over the next :spineyes:8-10hr ride then I had eat but after that trip I never got sick agin.

High Tide 07-28-2011 07:01 AM

Dramamine has been around for a long time, but doesn't work on everyone. My uncle is a pharmacist and he recommends scopolamine patches. They are supposed to work great. But if its a hot day, you may sweat them off. They also offer scopolamine in a nasal spray. One good spray when you start feeling funky, and its supposed to wipe it out. I'm going offshore next weekend, and am bringing two bottles. You're gona need a script from a doctor for the scopolamine.

Garfish 07-31-2011 08:37 PM

Dramamine works for me. Take a couple the day before, eat a meal that isn't too rich or greasy that has plenty carbs. Don't get F'''ed up the night before either. Take 2 the morning you go out and eat a biscuit or something similar before also. Drink plenty water esp. if it's warm and if you feelin good, drink only a few beers and snack while you're out there.

Capt.B 07-31-2011 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Garfish (Post 297284)
Dramamine works for me. Take a couple the day before, eat a meal that isn't too rich or greasy that has plenty carbs. Don't get F'''ed up the night before either. Take 2 the morning you go out and eat a biscuit or something similar before also. Drink plenty water esp. if it's warm and if you feelin good, drink only a few beers and snack while you're out there.

X2 and lay off booze....does nothin but dehydrate you got a dehydrated, sick, drunk....that sounds like fun??:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Miss Trial 08-14-2011 01:27 PM

Dramamine causes people to get very drowsy. Bonine will do the same thing as Dramamine but causes less drowsiness. You asked the the best thing.... the best thing is a scopolamine patch or maybe even scopolamine nasal spray.

KDM 08-16-2011 10:09 AM

Meclazine is the best. It was used by NASA for the astronauts. Take one the night before and one the morning of. I believe it is now over the counter. See George Paret at Gordons. My son uses it and he swears by it.

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