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Raymond 09-11-2011 09:04 PM

Where were you on 9/11???
At 45 I have lived long enough to have witnessed the end of the Vietnam war,hippies,beatniks,gas lines,27 cent gas,the attempted assassination of 2 presidents,the end of communism in Europe and 9/11.
I was on a high school retreat when Reagan was shot and heard the news riding the bus back to school,we were crossing over the O K Allen bridge. On 9/11/2001 Big and I had borrowed a mudboat to scout a lease off schooner bayou. It broke down halfway back and we pushpoled a mile back to Dugas landing. Our problems were not over because the trailer had a flat but the radio also said the first tower had been hit by a plane. No one knew yet that we were under attack. After pulling the flat tire off the trailer we headed to Stellys for a plug. They have a small color tv perched by the cash register usually with the news playing. It was standing on those old wooden floors that I watched the second plane plow into the second tower. At that moment, I knew we were under attack but the true story would have to be told on our way home. I can't remember how to work an algebra problem but these memories will be forever etched in my brain. Hopefully one day I will be able to tell my childrens children what it was like when I was young.

Bluechip 09-11-2011 09:07 PM

I was in physical therapy recovering from a knee surgery. The whole place turned quiet and everyone was just sitting, standing watching the tv in shock.:(

When I got home and walked through the door the second plane had just crashed into the 2nd tower...I will never forget that day.

huntin fool 09-11-2011 09:09 PM

I was sitting in kindergarten at age 5. We had just had what do you want to be when you grow up discussion, when the Principle came on the innercom and said for everyone to turn their t.v.s on as the 1st tower had just been hit. We sat and watched the news the rest of the day.
Amazing that I can still remember that exact day 10 years ago.

PaulMyers 09-11-2011 09:15 PM

I had just worked off of my last graveyard and was sitting in the kitchen watching the today show on nbc. After the second tower was hit my wife called me and asked me to bring the extra tv to her place of employment. We watched the news the rest of the day together. I'll never forget that day!


"W" 09-11-2011 09:17 PM

I was in Sabine Pass .. The operator and pilot dropped me off at a satellite platform where I had to download one gas meter... They had to go by another one. I saw them land and crank back up and head to the beach. I figured they needed parts or something, no big deal. I was laying in the dog house when a helicopter landed and a guy ran down. He said come on you have to come with us. I grab my stuff, It was a Williams pipeline bird and he said were being bombed. Now I was like ok where??? He said all over and we have to go to Houston! I said my truck is right here in Sabine! He said we can land anywhere but Houston...... Arrived in Houston at Bush airport with no money, no wallet, and no cell phone...

They said I could not leave! Finally at 7pm that night they came got me!

Spot-Remover 09-11-2011 09:39 PM

I was in Control Room filling out JSEA's when another operator ran into the Control Room and said hurry and turn the TV on. That's when the second plane hit just as it came on. All I could do is just stand there and watch, people were running past the control room to get to the big screen TV in the kitchen. By the time I went to the kitchen at least 20 people were all just standing not a word.. Then someone said that a war has just started. Then Team Leaders came in and said no one outside and we need to sit down and have a meeting on how to protect the Plant. Not one person had any idea on what to do, we were all in shock and just watched the TV till they made us leave and go home way after our shift time. I don't remember driving home.

iron man 09-11-2011 09:46 PM

I was 9 and in 4th grade. Our whole school witnessed the 2nd plane hit the World Trade Center. Most people think about this day 3 days out of the year, the day before, the anniversary of, and the day after. I think about this day everyday. Watching it on the history channel is bringing back memories and emotions that I haven't felt in years. I can't wait for my ankle to get better so I can re enlist.

speck-chaser 09-11-2011 09:50 PM

I was still at home that morning, we had just turned on the tv,when they broke into the station with the news of the first plane hitting the first tower. I thought it was just a freak thing. I called some of my family and told them to turn check out the news on tv. Because the towers were so big, it made the plane look so small. I thought it was just a little sesna that accidentally hit the tower. While I was on the phone with my dad,we saw the second plane hit,then we knew this was no accidents. we stayed glued to our tv's pretty much the rest of the day and watched through blurred vision,as our Country was attacked.

eman 09-11-2011 09:58 PM

was working about 1/2 mile frome the nuke in st. Francisville. wife called right after the first one happened and we watched the tube a few Min. then the boss decided that he was to close to a target and sent ev1 home. watched TV most of the day here at home

mcjaredsandwich 09-11-2011 10:16 PM

6th grade, mrs O'rands grammar class. Lady from the principals office came to our class because one of my friends parents were on vacation in ny. they said the towers had been hit. My friends parents called the school and let them know they were ok. Whats crazy is they were scheduled for a 930 tour to the top of the south tower. Some of their plans fell through so they went the afternoon of the 10th. They have pics from the 105th floor dated 9/10/01. Crazy to think they may have been up there. God bless America.

iron man 09-11-2011 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by eman (Post 320895)
was working about 1/2 mile frome the nuke in st. Francisville. wife called right after the first one happened and we watched the tube a few Min. then the boss decided that he was to close to a target and sent ev1 home. watched TV most of the day here at home

Are you still at Riverbend?

Kenner18 09-11-2011 10:22 PM

I work for a fire department ,and was on duty when this day of terror started. We watched the whole incident unfold ,as Im sure the rest of the world did that day . I will never forget the sick feeling I had as I watched the men of the FDNY do their job and give up their lives for strangers.
In 2007 I went to Iraq as a firefighter . On 9/11 we had a ceremony in memory of those who had lost their lives on that day in 2001. The service was held in one of Saddam's palaces at 10 am that morning, at 2pm tragedy stuck again. We took three rockets on base ,one hitting where we were parked that morning for the memorial service. That rocket resulted in 14 wounded and one dead. The other two luckily did no damage. Four hours seperated me from being here today or being one of that 14.

So I will never forget this day ,or what it means.

wtretrievers 09-11-2011 10:28 PM

Was at the old Paxon plant (Exxon BRPO) just outside of Baker, La, just a mile or 2 north of BR airport, we were in laydown yard when someone told us what was going on. We turned the radio on in the truck & listened to the reports the rest of the day. It was an eerie feeling not seeing a single plane in the air when we were so used to air traffic non stop from the airport that was right there.

Dink 09-11-2011 10:49 PM

I was in a bar in mid city.....had just ordered my first drink when first plane hit.......sat there most of the day......sobered up and enlisted

LPfishnTIM 09-11-2011 10:54 PM

I was in 10th grade and sitting in civics class.

weedeater 09-11-2011 11:03 PM

I was off shore in the EC47 area on an unmaned platform when our chopper landed and our foreign pilot was talkin in his native tounge about the world was coming to an end and we watched for fighter jets all the way back to Kinder.

fishaholic82 09-12-2011 04:50 AM

I was offshore on a supply boat on our way to the dock when we heard about it over the vhf radio. At the time it didn't really set in till we arrived at the dock and was able to get tv reception. We all set in front the tv for what seemed like forever silently watching the news replay the horrific events that had taken place. We were only supposed to be bumping the dock for fuel and groceries but we wound up staying for 3 days before our company sent us back offshore. I still to this day have never seen that many boats tied up in Freshwater City.

Top Dawg 09-12-2011 06:17 AM

I was in 11th grade speech class when another teacher walked in and whispered to our teacher. He turned on the tv and the first plane had hit. We watched as the second plane hit. A sobering moment to say the least.

Ray 09-12-2011 06:46 AM

In a meeting offshore. Someone came in the room and said that a plane must have been off course and hit the World Trade Center. While watching the smoke and fire, then the second plane hit the second building. We never thought about terrorist. But we couldn't figure out WTH was going on that 2 passenger planes hit 2 buildings at the same time.

T-Red 09-12-2011 06:52 AM

I was stationed at NAS Oceana VFA-105 when this happened, talk about a crazy and long day, worked about 19 hours that day and didnt know if we were going to be able to leave or head straight to the aircraft carrier. This picture was taken sept. 9th by my squadron, who would have known it would be one of the last pictures taken of the towers

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