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BigAl 09-13-2011 05:25 PM

Peyton Manning dies and goes to heaven
Sorry if y'all have heard this one before. So Peyton Manning dies and goes to heaven. St. Peter meets him and tells him " Come on in Peyton. Let me show you around. He takes him on the grand tour and after a while Peyton says he's tired and wants to see where he'll be spending eternity. St. Peter walks him down a nice street with nice houses. He comes to one house with a little fence around it and a little flag pole in the front yard with a Colts flag on it. St. Peter says "Here's your house Peyton" Well Peyton thinks this is a pretty good house. He looks a couple houses down the road and there's this huge freakin mansion with a gold sidewalk in front of it, gold driveway, fleur-de-lis flags in every window, a 100 foot flag pole in the front yard with a huge Saints flag flyin proud. Peyton looks at St. Peter and says "With all due respect, I did a lot more in the NFL than Drew Brees did. Why would he get such a great place and I get this?" St. Peter laughs and says "That's not Drew's house, that's God's house".

DUCKGOGETTER 09-14-2011 09:41 AM

Heard that one before, but it still makes me laugh everytime i hear it.

jpeff31787 09-14-2011 09:42 AM

hahaha Nice!

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