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breambuster 05-29-2013 06:33 PM

why women are the way they are
One fine morning in the Garden of Eden, God looked down upon Adam and noticed that he was looking glum. So the Lord said to Adam "What troubles you, my Son?" Adam looked up to God ad said "I'm lonely, Father. I have no one to talk to." So God said "Then I shall give you a companion, and she will cook and clean for you, and wash your clothes. She shall bear your children and never wake you in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will give you love and compassion whenever you want it. She will not nag at you, and will always be the first to admit she is wrong if you two ever disagree. She will love and support you no matter what, and always agree with any important decision you make. She shall be called a 'woman.' Intrigued, Adam asked God "What shall this woman cost, Father?" God replied "One arm and one leg, my son." Adam pondered this question for a minute, and with the seriousness that only comes from complete certainty, he answered... "Hmm, what can I get for just a rib?"

FF_T_Warren 05-29-2013 06:47 PM


evidrine 05-30-2013 12:37 PM

LMBO!!!! I like that one.

jkcckc2002 05-30-2013 02:39 PM

Shoulda made it two ribs. Maybe they would bring us beer then!

Mako19 05-30-2013 03:25 PM

I have heard a priest tell this joke at a wedding.

Pretty funny!

vittok 11-17-2013 04:03 PM

Good one!!!

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