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AceArcher 10-15-2013 03:22 PM

What happened to showing some restraint.
What is up with stories like this. I have utmost respect for anyone brave enough to wear a badge as a LEO in today's world, But why are there so many "shoot first & ask questions later situation"

This has to stop!

mcjaredsandwich 10-15-2013 03:35 PM


Clampy 10-16-2013 06:40 AM

Here's another good one.

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duckman1911 10-16-2013 06:46 AM

Read an article the other day that said you are 3 times more likely to be wrongfully shot by a police officer than by a ccw permit holder. If you have dealt with many cops you know that a large percentage of them arent very bright.

bmac 10-16-2013 06:54 AM

On one hand you have neighbors calling 911 saying the man is walking around with a baby and pointing a gun at people.
On the other hand you hav an officer who has been involved in 7 shootings in the last 10 years, 6 of them fatal. It doesn't say if he was the shooter in all of them though.
I guess you have have no choice but to let the investigation get the truth out. I'd be curious to know how 7 shootings in 10 years compares to other cops. Is that Dirty Harry or is it just common occurance?

duckman1911 10-16-2013 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by bmac (Post 636515)
On one hand you have neighbors calling 911 saying the man is walking around with a baby and pointing a gun at people.
On the other hand you hav an officer who has been involved in 7 shootings in the last 10 years, 6 of them fatal. It doesn't say if he was the shooter in all of them though.
I guess you have have no choice but to let the investigation get the truth out. I'd be curious to know how 7 shootings in 10 years compares to other cops. Is that Dirty Harry or is it just common occurance?

7 in 10 years is a lot I would say. I have two friends that have about 30 years in between them. 3 shootings. Sounds like this guy is a little too trigger happy. It will be an internal investigation and the whole truth will never come out. They always protect their own.

Finfeatherfur 10-16-2013 08:20 AM

Until you have walked in their shoes, you have no idea!!! You guys crack me up!! Internet tough guys that are going to arm chair quaterback an incident you have no knowlege of. Only what you see on a Youtube video. Why were police there??? Oh, that's right - neighbors called because he was whacked out carrying a kid waving a gun. It said officer "thought he saw" and that is all that is needed in a perceived threat.

I invite any of you to come for a 12-14 hour shift on a ride-a-long to some of the areas we work. By all means, feel free to jump out and get your hands dirty at anytimes! It's very easy to critize when you have no idea what is going on out there. I recently had a "community activist" complain to our chief. When asked what I thought we should do, I immediately told him to have him ready to go Saturday night. I picked the guy up at his house at 8pm and drove around for 2 hours visiting. Then I got down to business and by midnight he asked me to take him home. By Wednesday of the next week he had a letter in the paper saying how "disappointed" he was in his community.

I was involved in a shooting this past November. That guy was unarmed. Until you have been there, "shut the * UP.

MathGeek 10-16-2013 08:25 AM

I think a basic question we have to ask is whether law enforcement should be held to a higher standard, the same standard, or a lower standard than ordinary citizens when determining the reasonableness of their use of deadly force.

I think in most states, the legal requirement is actually that they be held to the same standard (which I agree with), but those applying the standard when deciding on the legality of the shooting tend to give law enforcement officers every "benefit of the doubt" whereas, they often do not give ordinary citizens the benefit of the doubt, but proceed with an approach that the shooter is guilty until proven innocent. This effectively creates a double standard for evaluating officer involved shootings, which is what most citizens find repugnant.

I've published some papers on shooting event reconstructions and also served as an expert scientist for the plaintiffs suing law enforcement in the wake of bad shootings. It is reprehensible how deceptive law enforcement can be in the process of hiding evidence and refusing to comply with court ordered discovery in the process of covering up bad shootings. If a shooting was justified, then they should have no problem in quickly complying with court orders to provide the plaintiffs' attorneys with access to the firearms, the type of ammunition, radio and 911 transcripts and tapes, training records, and email records.

RickLafayette 10-16-2013 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Finfeatherfur (Post 636534)
Until you have walked in their shoes, you have no idea!!! You guys crack me up!! Internet tough guys that are going to arm chair quaterback an incident you have no knowlege of. Only what you see on a Youtube video. Why were police there??? Oh, that's right - neighbors called because he was whacked out carrying a kid waving a gun. It said officer "thought he saw" and that is all that is needed in a perceived threat.

I invite any of you to come for a 12-14 hour shift on a ride-a-long to some of the areas we work. By all means, feel free to jump out and get your hands dirty at anytimes! It's very easy to critize when you have no idea what is going on out there. I recently had a "community activist" complain to our chief. When asked what I thought we should do, I immediately told him to have him ready to go Saturday night. I picked the guy up at his house at 8pm and drove around for 2 hours visiting. Then I got down to business and by midnight he asked me to take him home. By Wednesday of the next week he had a letter in the paper saying how "disappointed" he was in his community.

I was involved in a shooting this past November. That guy was unarmed. Until you have been there, ****.

Thirty three years in law enforcement, over one thousand arrests, I thank God I never had to shoot someone though several situations came close. I don't remember how many times I've been to IAD but was never found guilty of any of the false charges. IAD Lt. stated, Rick, show me a cop who's been on the job 20 years and never been to IAD and I'll show you a cop who probably wasn't doing his job. People complain about cops all the time for reasons too many to list here.

Clampy 10-16-2013 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Finfeatherfur (Post 636534)
Until you have walked in their shoes, you have no idea!!! You guys crack me up!! Internet tough guys that are going to arm chair quaterback an incident you have no knowlege of. Only what you see on a Youtube video. Why were police there??? Oh, that's right - neighbors called because he was whacked out carrying a kid waving a gun. It said officer "thought he saw" and that is all that is needed in a perceived threat.

I invite any of you to come for a 12-14 hour shift on a ride-a-long to some of the areas we work. By all means, feel free to jump out and get your hands dirty at anytimes! It's very easy to critize when you have no idea what is going on out there. I recently had a "community activist" complain to our chief. When asked what I thought we should do, I immediately told him to have him ready to go Saturday night. I picked the guy up at his house at 8pm and drove around for 2 hours visiting. Then I got down to business and by midnight he asked me to take him home. By Wednesday of the next week he had a letter in the paper saying how "disappointed" he was in his community.

I was involved in a shooting this past November. That guy was unarmed. Until you have been there, ****.

Agreed those cops that taser 7-8 year olds and 85 year old women. They had no choice. I mean what else could they do in that situation. That 7 year old had a stick and could have hurt someone.
I go on ride alongs with Lafayette PD on occasion and It's unreal what cops have to deal with sometimes but that doesn't make it ok to smash some lady's face because she hurt your feelings or taser a 80 year old woman because she is a little uppity. How bout just grab them and carry them off.

Rationalize this one please.

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Finfeatherfur 10-16-2013 08:40 AM

Clampy, you can post videos all day long! Until you earn a check or fight your way out of situation with me - we are not on the same page. I can post Youtube videos all day long of men/women that are 6' in the ground today because they were soft when it came time to deal with someone. How about the 2 detectives in Florida killed by the man that was handcuffed in the back seat of their car. Scum bag carried a handcuff key in his waistband of his underwear, got loose, reached across and got a pistol from detectives holster. Shot both of them in the head while driving to station. Oh, but wait, he was unarmed! - until he gained control of one. Every encounter we have is the potential for death.

Clampy 10-16-2013 08:41 AM

I have a few good friends that are cops and the stories I get aside from entertaining are crazy but most cops seem to take up for all of them no matter if what they did was right on wrong. A certain % of the pop are douches and to act like one of those can't put on a uniform is ridiculous. It's sad cuz we need cops but the crappy ones are the only ones getting publicity.

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duckman1911 10-16-2013 08:42 AM

I know a guy that was a Colfax cop. He fataly shot and killed an unarmed man while he was running away. Dude got 5 years and thats it. If you or I put a round in an unarmed persons back we are looking at 25 to life. They should not be above the law.

Clampy 10-16-2013 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Finfeatherfur (Post 636544)
Clampy, you can post videos all day long! Until you earn a check or fight your way out of situation with me - we are not on the same page. I can post Youtube videos all day long of men/women that are 6' in the ground today because they were soft when it came time to deal with someone. How about the 2 detectives in Florida killed by the man that was handcuffed in the back seat of their car. Scum bag carried a handcuff key in his waistband of his underwear, got loose, reached across and got a pistol from detectives holster. Shot both of them in the head while driving to station. Oh, but wait, he was unarmed! - until he gained control of one. Every encounter we have is the potential for death.

Yes that's terrible but it's not a 86 year old bed ridden woman with 10 cops in room. But I guess she could have a AR under her pillow.

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Finfeatherfur 10-16-2013 08:54 AM

So you have an 86 y/o woman that is pshyc - and armed with a knife. So do I shoot her with a Glock .40, take a knife wound to my chest (body armor doesn't stop a knife) or use a less than lethal tool to assist in disarming a suspect??????? See what I mean, the general public looks at things one way, while a cop looks at it another.

It is irrelevant her age or mental capacity. The fact that we are there at a residence is not some random choice. We don't pick a house and then just stop by to see if someone is overdosing! They were called there for assistance with a suicidal elderly lady that probably has dementia. Why didn't her grandson disarm her? I wasn't there, but I can see an officer using a Taser rather than beat a woman down that is 86.

Clampy 10-16-2013 08:56 AM

I mean this little girl was going to hurt herself. How dare her. We got that.

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Clampy 10-16-2013 09:00 AM

I can say most cops are great people can you say a few of them COULD be douche bags ?
I think that would end this disagreement. I'm sure you are a good cop by the things you have previously posted I'm sure of it but you have to admit some douches put on cop uniforms every day.

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Finfeatherfur 10-16-2013 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Clampy (Post 636561)
I can say most cops are great people can you say a few of them COULD be douche bags ?
I think that would end this disagreement. I'm sure you are a good cop by the things you have previously posted I'm sure of it but you have to admit some douches put on cop uniforms every day.

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Oh my!!! A few! - Hell, I know a bunch!!! And what really suck is civil service laws protect them. That is the one thing I wish I could change. Short of a felony, the administration of departments are really tied when dealing with personnel. I don't plan on going to jail for my actions - you can bet your arse I'm not going to jail for someone else's actions!!!

duckman1911 10-16-2013 09:06 AM

Most old school cops are great guys. These newbies they roll out of academies are nothing more than drones programmed to follow orders.

Clampy 10-16-2013 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Finfeatherfur (Post 636562)
Oh my!!! A few! - Hell, I know a bunch!!! And what really suck is civil service laws protect them. That is the one thing I wish I could change. Short of a felony, the administration of departments are really tied when dealing with personnel. I don't plan on going to jail for my actions - you can bet your arse I'm not going to jail for someone else's actions!!!

Thank you. End of my argument.

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