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TidewateR 01-31-2016 06:43 PM

Missing Fly Rod
Hey Guys

Sadly, as the title states, I am missing my saltwater fly rod. After rinsing off my rod and my skiff at a power wash spot in Golden Meadow Friday January 29, I forgot to put the rod back in my truck. The replacement cost on these things is pretty ridiculous, so I'm hoping for a kind act by a Good Samaritan.

I'm offering a reward if any you can help me get it back. I'll be keeping an eye out on Craig's list etc too.

G Loomis 8wt GLX
Tibor Back Country Reel (silver)

Thank you

Ber2ch @ gmail (dot) com

Bdub 02-01-2016 08:09 PM

Not sure about your area, but most of the washes I use, usually have a maintenance person that hangs around pretty regularly if its a nicer wash. Might want to go back and check with them 02-02-2016 10:23 AM

Sorry to hear about your rod. That sux bro.
t 02-12-2016 09:44 AM

I'm taking it that FlyRod never showed up...

keakar 02-12-2016 11:52 AM

there is a facebook page that was just started for golden meadow "town talk" so you might want to post there and see if any locals know anything.

its a long shot and the page doesn't have a large following yet being its brand new, but its worth a shot and another forum for letting someone know who it belongs to

if interested, this is it:

TidewateR 02-13-2016 01:35 AM

lol no it never did resurface. I realize it was such a long shot, but I really do believe there are some good folks out there and that perhaps such a person found my rod/reel. Not many people fly fish in the marsh, so I figured few would have much use for it anyway. It's an odd item to find, so I thought maybe someone would've heard of someone finding it....again long shot.

There's a guy who looks after the wash down place, but for the life of me I can not find a number to the owner. The LLC is registered to a person in Shreveport, but I didn't follow through.

Keakar- I will take a peak at that FB group, thanks

Here's a shot of one of last trips she took. I've had the setup for 7 years..she will be missed. Life goes on!

keakar 02-13-2016 12:55 PM

its worth a shot, there might be someone who comes across it at a yard sale or something because as you said, its not something most fishermen down there use.

I used to fly fish for bream many many many years ago (70'-80's) and all my rods rotted in the garage. I went to wallyworld to buy a new one (remembering I used to buy them for like $20 and popping bugs were like 50 -75 cents each) and holly molly I was floored by the prices. needless to say I decided getting back to that hobby was something more then I wanted to or could afford to spend. I had hoped to start fly fishing the marsh but I cant afford the prices of the gear costs.

I actually had went offshore with one of my few remaining rods and caught blue fish on them and that was a real blast until that rod snapped from old age too. most people just don't know how different if feels to catch things on a fly rod. its just something completely different that is hard to explain. its not just fishing with a different kind or style of rod, its something you cant explain and it must be experienced to really understand.

do you use regular swim baits on unweighted hooks or actual flies to fish with? 02-15-2016 11:27 AM

Definitely worth a shot, there are great people everywhere. I've heard of stolen boats getting found due to Facebook, etc.

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