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Visco 04-24-2016 07:32 PM

Grand Isle in on fire
I found me a place where no one apparently likes to go... I fished in the same location for two days and seen many many boats just blow right past me. Not sure why no one fishes this area but it was on fire the last two days. I have been doing the same thing as everyone else for the last few years... but everytime I pasted it up, I always said to myself that it looks good. It was the second isle East of Grand Isle. Everyone was heading into the Bay near the camps, but when I was heading back, I idled paste them and never seen any of the 10 boats in one location real in a fish... Oh yea... I left my spot with the trout still feeding.

I pulled up to the spot, and the water was so clear that I could see the trout in the surf...

They blew up on anything I threw at them. Limited out each day by 1000 and that was culling threw the smaller 14" to 16" and throwing them back in after tagging them.

I did notice a larger size fish when I was using the pink little john... to bad a large redfish decided he wanted more than me.

the trout in the middle came in right at 17" to give you a point of reference.

After two days, I had 30 lbs of meat to put in the freezer... and this was after we cooked some for dinner.

eman 04-24-2016 08:47 PM

Great Trip! 04-25-2016 10:23 AM

Nice work. Can't beat hitting them in the surf!

Visco 04-25-2016 11:04 AM

[SIZE=3]I forgot to mention that I believe the reason this location was so good was that there was a channel that ran parallel to the shore line just about two feet into the surf. This channel ran for about 100 yards and was from what I could tell roughly 4' deep and then a shallow sand bar separating the channel from the Gulf. I would throw onto the beach and real into the surf, as soon as I hit edge of the channel to the sand bar, I would get a hit every time. The edge of that channel was lined with a lot of debris which also killed my line, I actually lost about 10 really nice trout and redfish. As soon as they hit the line, the fish would run down and the line would contact the edge of the channel and break. I am thinking that this might be a better place to fish from the beach... might have to try it out next time. [/SIZE]

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