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Pat Babaz 04-25-2016 10:04 PM

Fighting Purr
How many of you turkey hunters have ever used a fighting purr call? I've been reading up on it and it seems to work well on hung up or henned up birds. Knight and Hale makes a very easy to use model. Most people only use it as a last resort though as it may scare a bird off rather than bring it in. Supposedly when it works right they come in fast and hard.

Gerald 04-26-2016 11:06 PM

I have seen several videos with people doing to "Fighting purr" calling.

IMO.... it just does not sound like something that would call in a Tom.

But on those days when nothing is working..... that might.

A few years ago, I was hunting with a good friend. He does all the calling. On that day nothing had worked by late morning. He starting pulling out a few more mouth calls, just trying each one out. So.... I got one of my slate calls and started calling.

After about 10 minutes of no-stop calling..... a Tom gobbled about a 1/4 mile away. We quickly repositioned and the Tom kept coming and gobbling. We saw the tom but it stayed 75 yards out and quickly left.

As soon as it left, my friend motioned for me to come.....????? I was wondering why he was so quick to give up on this tom. When I got over to him.... he told me there was another tom off behind us and for me to set up that direction. The second bird never came back.

SO.... when nothing is working.... try something different.

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