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Old 01-27-2010, 10:55 AM
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jsmoke222000 jsmoke222000 is offline
Trophy Trout
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Moss Bluff
Posts: 419
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Ok so let me get this straight:

If you don't ever post any reliable information on a certain location to fish - You are an idiot because you don't know how to fish.

If you post a map of the lake with a few well known spots such as long point or the old jetties - You are an idiot because you don't know squat about the lake & everyone knows those spots. (Even though this is actually going to keep them off of your secret holes)

If you tell people to go to the weirs to catch reds - You are an idiot because it takes no talent to catch reds @ the weirs. (Even though this is actually going to keep them off of your secret holes)

If you post GPS coordinates to a current hotspot that not everyone knows about - You are an idiot for telling people about the secret spot.

All the GPS Coordinates in W's GPS unit won't do the average joe a damn bit of good. Alot of things factor in to fishing those spots. Weather conditions such as temp, wind speed, wind direction, salinity level, tide direction, ect all factor in to when certain spots will produce fish.

Guides & professional anglers do not come to this site, my site or LAS for fishing tips. The pros study the area & take notes of certain patterns. These websites are for the average joe, weekend warriors if you will.

If you want to keep someone off of your secret hole & keep them from pulling up to you & marking your spot, put them on fish somewhere else that holds alot of fish year round (THE WEIRS!!!).

JUST MY $0.02
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