Thread: lump yft?
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Old 01-27-2010, 02:10 PM
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Ray Ray is offline
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Originally Posted by QUACKHEAD View Post
It's been awhile since I have been out to the rigs are you still allowed to use a rig hook to hold yourself to the rig or do you have to anchor and get your anchor caught in the pipes down below?
Do not tie off to any pipes, only the legs or structure.
You can tie off to certain rigs, but not any high production floaters.
They is listed in the CFR's.

\147.801 Boxer Platform safety zone.
147.803 Bullwinkle Platform safety zone.
147.805 Ursa Tension Leg Platform safety zone.
147.807 West Delta 143 Platform safety zone.
147.809 Mars Tension Leg Platform safety zone.
147.811 Ram-Powell Tension Leg Platform safety zone.
147.813 Auger Tension Leg Platform safety zone.
147.815 ExxonMobil Hoover Floating OCS Facility safety zone.
147.817 Sir Douglas Morpeth Tension Leg Platform safety zone.
147.819 Allegheny Tension Leg Platform safety zone.
147.821 Brutus Tension Leg Platform safety zone.
147.823 Enchilada Platform safety zone.
147.825 Chevron Genesis Spar safety zone.
147.827 Marlin Tension Leg Platform safety zone.
147.829 Matterhorn Tension Leg Platform safety zone.
147.831 Holstein Truss Spar safety zone.
147.833 Na Kika FDS safety zone.
147.835 Magnolia TLP safety zone.
147.837 Marco Polo Tension Leg Platform safety zone.
147.839 Mad Dog Truss Spar Platform safety zone.
147.841 Atlantis Semi-Submersible safety zone.
147.843 Thunder Horse Semi-Submersible safety zone.
147.845 Perdido Regional Host safety zone.
147.1102 Platform GRACE safety zone.
147.1103 Platform GINA safety zone.
147.1104 Platform ELLEN & ELLY safety zone.
147.1105 Platform HONDO safety zone.
147.1106 Exxon Santa Ynez offshore storage and treatment vessel mooring
safety zone.
147.1107 Platform GILDA safety zone.
147.1108 Platform EDITH safety zone.
147.1109 Platform HERMOSA safety zone.
147.1110 Platform HARVEST safety zone.
147.1111 Platform EUREKA safety zone.
147.1112 Platform HIDALGO safety zone.
147.1113 Platform GAIL safety zone.
147.1114 Platform HARMONY safety zone.
147.1115 Platform HERITAGE safety zone.
147.1116 Platform IRENE safety zone.
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