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Old 06-03-2009, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Trent Buxton View Post
For ease of fishing anyone can go down to big lake...."potlick" and catch a mess of reds,specks, and flounder. Not much skill involved at all. Actually make two or three trips a year down there to fill the freezer. Your welcome to come potlick me all day at Toledo or any river in the area and I guarantee your not gonna come home with a limit of bass and sac's. It takes more skill and patience on freshwater arenas. You have so many variables involved in freshwater fishing that does not effect saltwater fisheries. I myself love to go saltwater fishing with a group of people and a case of beer the action is fast and fun. When it comes to wanting a challenge its freshwater all the way.
everyone always says that fresh water takes more skill but i can put a rod in my girlfriends hand with a white spinner and tell her throw around logs and she'll catch bass. you can fish structure in fresh water and catch fish. when a newbie goes out to salt water fish and sees nothing but water they dont know what to do. i think it takes just as much skill to find big saltwater species as it does to take big freshwater fish.
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