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Old 02-23-2010, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by jchief View Post
Define conservationist! If I legally keep only my limit and eat all I catch am I a conservationist? If I deer hunt and shoot the first 2 deer I see and then hunt horns am I a conservationist? If I pass on does during management hunts, that are in place to remove deer from the herd, am I a conservationist?
Exactly.........I'll keep a limit of fish, which I don't fish every day or even every w/e, don't even go 5 months out of the year due to hunting.
When I was younger deer hunting it was all about the numbers (but not over a yearly limit)....Not any more.....I let at least 13 legal bucks (for our club 6pt or better) walk this year. But didn't shoot a doe either & were on a program to take so many does off our property. So you decide....... Conservationist or not. ???????
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