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Old 02-26-2010, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by yak'em-n-stack'em View Post
Tarpon still go into Lake P. during the summer.

And to add to med heavy, there will be an article in Cajun Outdoors in march that i wrote that is a VERY simple explanation,


there is a natural process, before the damming of the mississippi river, the cheniers and marshes on the west side of the state were formed from huge mudflats that would develop on the coast, then be vegetated, then the "beach" would be reworked causing a new barrier island "cheneir" and the process starts over and over again.

many people dont understand that erosion is a natural process, but the problem is is that we as humans have stopped the rebuilding functions

Yak em............heres my idea, let me know if it'll work.............I say blow the south levee holding the mighty Mississippi from B.R. on south.........That'll replenish the marshes for half the state!!! Im sure it'll cut a path eventually, but heck man, let that river do what it was made to do..........rebuild our coast!!! Oh and on the wier thing..............Blow them too...............Tim
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