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Old 02-26-2010, 09:10 AM
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Originally Posted by yak'em-n-stack'em View Post
I see where your coming from chas,

most people refuse to see it, but when you are catching record numbers, thats when you need to be the most careful.

Pride cometh before a fall,

just remember that, it applies to more than just personalities, you can apply it to this situation.

In nature, when an ecosystem is doing "its best", that means it is closest to its "tipping point" or the point where 1 thing (coldest winter in 115 years, super low water, dredging , natural erosion, etc,) can set a downward spiral.

We need to remember that we are guest to nature, we shouldnt "own" any of it. or tell it what it can or cant do, this was the philosophy in the 20th century, and look what that did to the state of Louisiana and its coastal areas.

Look up the swamp busters act.

Just remember more than anything guys, that respect for nature is the key to not only natures survival but your own.

/end rant lol

Well said!
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