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Old 04-07-2010, 01:15 PM
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Jordan Jordan is offline
Great White
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*****************ANOTHER UPDATE********************
was gunna post this last night, but got tied up getting stuff done around the house
The dr called and talked to me and told me the good, bad, and ugly.

They brought him back into a room, started IV and gave him a sedative....
Sedative bottomed out his BP.... doc gave me numbers, but i fergot them....
nurse did a sturnum rub, jacked his BP up to the sky
He took 2 breaths and it bottomed out again

They rushed him to E.R and gave him a drug to reverse the effect of the sedative...

watched him for an hour, everything was fine. Doc gave him another sedative to coincide with his BP meds he's taking. He was sedated in a matter of seconds.... brought him back into the room at 2:15pm and they put the final staple in at approx 6:50pm. They did the whole surgery at one time, not half and half... Doc had to take a piece of bone out of his hip and fuse in his back

Outcome of the situation:
Jordan dont get to fish for 11-15 weeks because doc said no heavy lifting
2 titanium rods in his back with half a box of drywall screws
and i almost had a heart attack

Thanks guys for the prayers
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