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Old 04-28-2010, 05:43 AM
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Ray Ray is offline
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I keep a couple meals of trout in the freezer, that's all. This past winter, I ran out due to the cold and fresh water, but I had plenty of Flounder to cover us for the winter.
If CCA pushes to drop the limits, and succeeds, I will fish more days and fill the freezer up. I have plenty of time off the way I work. It's a public water, public fish. Drop the limit one more time in Big Lake and not the rest of the state and I will keep every fish, every day I fish, no matter the size, and post pictures on every fishing forum on the internet. I don't target big fish, if I catch one, it is luck. If I want to eat it or release it, that is my choice.
It's bull***** to keep crying about the limits on Big Lake and not the rest of the state.
Everyone has an agenda/opinion, but don't push them on me.
I support CCA, that is also my choice. If I want to catch fish, that's my choice. If I want to eat fish, that's my choice.
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