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Old 04-28-2010, 08:08 AM
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Originally Posted by longsidelandry View Post
I'm not bashing you or anyone else here but just want to point something out. Alot of people say "I don't keep any fish I catch, I release them all to swim another day because I have all the fish I want at home" I have a question, how did you get all the fish you want at home? Do you go buy fish at the store to load up your freezer then pay out the anal cavity to put gas in your boat to just go out and pull a fish up then throw it back in? I'm sorry but if I'm paying damn near $3 a gallon to put gas in my boat, I'm going to keep, kill and grill EVERY legal fish I put my hands on no matter who cries or moans and groans about it! Sorry but this is just the way I feel about this whole issue. If you want to throw every fish back that you catch then I'm happy for you. But don't go around trying to make everybody and their momma do it too, especially when alot of us aren't lucky enough to have the opportunity to get out on the water as much as others.

looka here bud... I didn't say or try to persuade anyone to throw their fish back. All i said is that I'd rather not keep them. I never mentioned why. And just to let you all know, it is because I don't like cleaning fish and I dont even like the taste of fish. I just enjoy the challenge of figuring out what makes them bite and enjoy bringing them into the boat to look at. I don't give a crap if you keep them, as you can see we keep A LOT of fish ourself and only like i said before "my dad would rip my head off if i wouldnt" because he loves fish and hosting big fish fries at the house. And just to let you know the money we spend fishing is the money we don't spend on drinking or any other activities. We strictly fish and thats it.

So chill the hell out!! dangit!
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