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Old 06-21-2009, 06:47 PM
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speckdaddy speckdaddy is offline
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Default grand isle report

headed out late thursday night and got snot face drunk!!! got up at 4 and went lay the smack on 120 dink trout.water was green even all the way up to bassa bassa. trout chasin shrimp everywhere ya went. no quality fish.. hadta catch 3 ta keep 1 but it was a blast on artificial. saturday mornin same thing, different place. seaes were flat calm with a north wind blowin early till around 11. again, shrimp and fish everywhere!!! had my bro and dad in law alond with the fish slayer tristan my five year old.slammed em and ended up with 55 cus them ol boys were dead on their feet from drinkin and both got sea sick. lol just nuts!!! no help with catchin, no fish for you lol great great weekend with green water everywhere and trout on every cast. my boy is a natural, he didnt wanna throw nuthin but a red doa and that wa s the bait of choice. ok enuf ramblin, heres the pics!!!enjoy
100 shrimp .......25$
case of bud light lime.........18$
watchin two grown men puke upochunks while ya 5 year old calls em sissies.................priceless
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