Thread: Shrimping hands
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Old 07-01-2010, 04:29 PM
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Default Shrimping hands

From a friend of my lil sister:

She went cast netting Tuesday, last week.. woke up during the night her hand was hurting. Saw that it was red. By morning Wednesday, it was swollen. Went to Urgent care and they gave her steroid shots and steroid pills Woke up Thursday in terrible pain and her wrist was swelling … She went back to urgent care Thursday morning and they gave her another steroid shot and more pills. By afternoon she was running fever and could not stand the pain. Went to St Pats emergency room (48 hours) the doctors @ St Pats said Steroids are the worst thing it makes the situation worsen. She is now in the hospital.
Yesterday she had to go to the burn center floor to the whirl pool and they scrapped the skin off just like a burn victim and clipped the skin and some of the bacteria off.
Whatever you do, if you or anyone you know catches this bacteria, if you go to your regular physician or an urgent care and they want to give you steroids DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO:
Also, if you have ANY cuts , scratches, and you fish or shrimp or crab… Please be careful… This bacteria is bad..
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