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Old 07-08-2010, 11:56 AM
yak'em-n-stack'em's Avatar
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Originally Posted by QUACKHEAD View Post
I hope we can get enough boats together and that the weather cooperates that we can find room for everyone. Not sure what space I have right now left in my ride but lets give this a few more days to develope and then we'll see what rigs we have going out. If we bottom fish I might be able to add a couple of more people to the boat. I can carry 6 if seas are cooperative and we bottom fish. If the currents are strong we may have to fish in shifts while others are napping or popping can tops. lol I have trolling gear but I am open to jigging. I mainly want a meat haul. I wants sum feesh in da ice box. That will probley be my last weekend this year, got several work travels come up. I might also go out Friday also if there are any other boats wanting to buddy up with us. All of this depends on the weather and sea conditions. The answer to the beach bash thing is, if we load the ice chest up early, I was thinking I might just go to the beach and anchor the boat a hundred yards out or so after fishing. Lots of maybe's due to the seas. I think if we go out early, we'll be ready to come back in around 2-3 pm. The Bash should be getting warmed up about that time.
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