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Old 10-04-2010, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Boo View Post
I get disappointed everytime I go there unless it's for duck hunting and then sometimes I get disappointed then to! If you read in the paper Mrs. Jeans Bait shop on Spanish Lake (which I beleive is owned by the parish) always says they are catching limits of this and that. I have never seen anyone catch or shoot limits of anything there. I think the parish trys to play it up thru Mrs Jeans Bait shop so they can get your money thru fees. The parish hasn't done anything to make the lake any better. I used to see game wardens and biologist there all the time, but you don't even see them there anymore. In my opion all they have is a very few bream catfish, alot of turtles and garfish and aligators.
I know one little guy that says he does very well in there on ducks.
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