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Old 10-20-2010, 10:14 AM
Feesherman Feesherman is online now
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Originally Posted by LaAngler View Post
I don't think so, see page 23 of sulphite's PDF in the firearms section.

As I stated before, the law has changed and it went into affect AFTER the pamphlet was already printed. What longside posted is exactly right. You can carry any pistol you wish as long as you have your CC. That was one of the new laws that took affect this year. Believe me, I follow very closely what the changes are and what's legal and what's not. Glad you put it to rest for yourself.
To add, just because it is in the pamphlet does not make it gospel. If there are any changes that are not in the pamphlet and it causes you to be illegal, you can and will be busted for it. "It was not in the pamphlet" is not a suitable defense.
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