Thread: Gas Prices
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Old 01-06-2011, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Finfeatherfur View Post
Wag - my point on that comment is this - everyone complains about the price of oil, but no one does anything about it! How can the oil companies sell gas at 1.50/gal when it cost 2.90/gal to produce it? Let us drill, let us build refineries and you will have 1.50/gal gas!

Everywhere I go, people say man, ya'll must be making a killing - completely opposite! Quit fighting the oil companies and fight the government - who is killing the industry.
But what people see is the the quarterly profit statements from these companies showing billions of dollars of profit per quarter and they can see that prices do not need to be that high...but like you said who cares what the prices go to, "shut up and pay!
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