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Old 01-25-2011, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by wtretrievers View Post
Well here's the verdict.....brought truck to another mechanic 30+ years experience, trash in the full pump not allowing fuel line to prime quick enough (trouble starting only after it's set up a day or 2) new fuel pump, several fuel pressure test & a couple other odds & ins & were back in business for $865, dealership told me all 6 injecters were bad at a price of $5300! They weren't even close to the problem!!!! Bastards!!!!
Oh & he did strongly recommend using an additive, prefers Lucus or the stuff Baton Rouge industries carries, now gotta find time to go to the dealership & give them a freaking earful! If I wouldn't have had a lil bit of mechanical knowledge they would have screwed out of $5300 & still not have fixed the problem! I knew it was not priming & told them that but I guess I'm the dumbazz????
Glad to hear that, man! Expensive still but, nothing like what the dealer wanted.
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