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Old 07-11-2009, 09:10 PM
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Reel Bender Reel Bender is offline
Red Snapper
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Originally Posted by Salty View Post
I fished out of a 22' HO back in April in Corpus. Dood will geaux skinny.

Ryan...Jay...Bender...any of you guys got an update on McBride?

He posted this on on july 6th.

Thanks for asking guys, and yes, rumors of my demise are highly exaggerated. I know I should have checked in a lot sooner, but the 'no spin' truth is that I sorta tucked tail into a little reclusive funk here lately. Not saying I'm a racehorse or anything, but when you're used to running with the herd everyday, and then all of a sudden find yourself hobbled down and looking at the glue factory, well, you might just want to hunker down in your stall a while too. Well I did.

Foot IS getting better, but man that's going to be one ugly appendage when this is all over. I may have to buy some pink crocks to cover it up. Still have a lot of meat to grow back yet, and there are still some tendons and veins exposed so have to be careful. Was going back to the hospital every day but think I can handle it now....or at least am going to try. It was an hour in, then 3 or 4 hours there, plus an hour back each day which made you totally worthless. I can stand, walk a bit and sit for a while, but not for very long before it gets angry again and then I have to find a prop up hole for a few hours. A good night's sleep just ain't gonna happen and we all might forget how many nerves a foot has in it. A bunch of them are apparently growing back now and they are all fighting for attention, especially when you're supposed to be counting sheep and not lightning bolts up your foot. By the way, Vicodin is not a good thing, does not help anything, and only tends to make you stupid and makes the world revolve around the couch. That Rx strength Ibuprofen rocks though and sure helps knock the swelling back down. Good stuff.

Anyway, enough whining already. It's going to be O.K. and am shooting for getting wet the 1st of October. Capt. Tricia is still knocking the fire out of some great fish but I think is trying to kill herself trying to do it all, both on the water and at the house. Tough (rough lol) girl.

If I could say anything, it would be that the entire world has a lot to learn from the people at 2Cool. This site was appropriately named. It's about people helping each other, whether it's a question about an air conditioner, a lure, a spot, or even about one of us getting into a bind. The response Tricia & I received on the benefit auction was overwhelming and there are no words worthy enough to express our humble gratitude. I just hope one day I can be the man my dog thinks I am, and I certainly hope I can give back to the people even here a fraction of the blessings we've received.

Thanks to everybody again, but the main thing is let's learn from this and shoot for nobody else getting hurt. The stable is no place you want to me, so wear those darn guards and keep your wounds covered. To think we're bullet proof is machisimo at it's dumbest. Y'all leave a few out there for me...will ya lol?

(ps. No I didn't run spell check. That stupid Vicodin told me it didn't matter)


Man those Stingrays can jack you up!!!!!!!
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