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Old 02-23-2011, 11:30 PM
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ckinchen ckinchen is offline
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Default Sample Letter RE: Oyster Issue

A very concerned friend of mine wanted to draft a template that can be used or modified to contact the powers that be regarding the over harvesting of oysters as has been mentioned here in several threads. If you do plan to participate in contacting the LDWF we wanted to put together a template that can be used and or modified. Of course feel free to say whatever you feel comfortable in communicating but the idea was to make it easy for people that are busy if they want to be involved and do not have the time to draft an email on the issue.

Myself and others have already contacted several people at LDWF and as of this evening I am not aware of anyone receiving a response. I did include the question of reseeding in my original email.

I realize this is a controversial issue so I do not want to push this on anyone but if you are concerned about our lake and believe like I do that over dredging is hurting our estuary, any help that you can give will be appreciated. The optional sample email is located below along with various emails addresses of officials that have been contacted.


[SIZE=3]Dear Sir,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]I am a lifelong resident of Louisiana and would like to voice my extreme displeasure with the actions of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Oyster Task [/SIZE][SIZE=3]Force. Calcasieu Lake is in my backyard and provides many recreational opportunities [/SIZE][SIZE=3]as well as commercial income for our area. For the last two years, oyster dredging has [/SIZE][SIZE=3]exploded to the extent that many reefs have become barren. Calcasieu Lake has become [/SIZE][SIZE=3]a modern day gold rush, with boat after boat dragging the reefs for calcified gold. With [/SIZE][SIZE=3]most of the areas in the southern part of the lake barren, the agency charged with monitoring our oyster resources have compounded the problem by increasing the number[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]of reef resources that can be pillaged.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]If you have not noticed, I have referred to our lake and reefs as resources several times. [/SIZE][SIZE=3]It is my understanding that the government agency charged with protecting our natural resources is exactly the same one allowing wholesale destruction of the heart of our lakes [/SIZE][SIZE=3]Ecosystem. When will enough damage be done to the reefs that oyster season will have to [/SIZE][SIZE=3]be closed again? Will next year bring about the opening up of more area to be pillaged [/SIZE][SIZE=3]since there are no longer enough oysters left in the other parts of the estuary?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]I respectfully await your reply to these pressing questions.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Sincerely Yours,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3] [/SIZE]
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