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Old 02-24-2011, 09:18 PM
boatdriver boatdriver is offline
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Default What is there to understand???

Yak em, what don't you get? What if someone like myself makes a living as a guide and I can't fish where the fish are supposed to be? It's no different than being an oysterman. They are commercial, and so am I. When you take, take, and take some more, eventually, there will be nothing left. Like W stated, they want to continue moving north becaue they are hardpressed to find anything down south. This is typical of our state...and I am sure this will pi$$ people off, but, here goes...we, as Louisiana sportsman see it like this, catch as much as you can while you can. Same with the oysters, take all you can now, now, now. At least our trout can spawn to reproduce at a fast rate. Other resources are not as fortunate. Oysters are a big part of ANY estuary. They filter water, establish good foundations for the bottom of the water they occupy, and provivide cover for the bottom of the food chain to enable the "circle of life." I agree, we NEED to re-seed as soon as possible. But don't be in a hurry to harvest what you put back. CLose it for 4 years. Then assess it the following, with professionals, then harvest.
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