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Old 03-28-2011, 09:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Jedi Lure Tricks View Post
well i judged you by your merit.. you clearly read my post, but you obviously didn't comprehend it because you didn't remember reading the me saying fish was certified, when it was one of the first statements of the post. So, CLEARLY i am correct in judging your comprehension level as low.

And to furthur illustrate my point, you did judge me by saying 'you work in a tackle shop' like it takes no education. I got what you were not-so-subtly hinting at and again, clearly i am correct in that you did, in fact, judge me.

now that i spelled it out for ya, do u get get why u look the @ss?
And I'm correct by judging that you don't have the requirements to be a college professor and you just assumed I was judging you upon the fact that you work at a tackle shop and thought I was implying that you have no education. So quite frankly I don't feel like the ***.