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Old 03-30-2011, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Ray View Post
They sell them shirts and hats at Gordons Drug Store on Lake St.

If you catch that many alligators, you, your truck and your boat will stink like hell.
Them gators will throw up in your boat after you bring them in.
If you hang their head over the side for 30 minutes to make sure they don't throw up in your boat, the second you put the head back in the boat, it will throw up some clear nasty stuff. The blood stinks like hell too, and clabbers, mixes with the gator vomit.
I usta put melt in a 5 gallon bucket on the front of the boat at noon, then put it out the next morning, after it turns a greenish/purpleish rainbow on the outside. After that hangs on a hood a couple of days and has maggots in and on it, it stinks worser than anything you ever smelled.
My step uncle came with me on the last day of my hunt one time. I got him to take the old bait off the hooks and roll up the lines when we picked them up.
He wouldn't go back the next year. He said everytime he thinks about it, he can still smell that stank.
Mud, blood, vomit, B.O., you never look or smell good if you are hunting gators, unless you are one of them sports that dress up in camo to shoot a gator that is on a line, then let the trapper do all the work. Them guys look and smell good when they take their picture with the gator, then hurry up and wash their hands when the picture is done.
I had a bait well like in june and got a couple of days off and forgot to clean dat succa out!! Came back and de blow flies attacked my azz and so did the smell!!!:lmf ao:I've also been by the alligator processing plant in Hackberry...Not very pleasant @ all!!
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