Thread: Big Lake 5/9/09
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Old 05-09-2009, 08:26 PM
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drjay drjay is offline
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It was definitely a rough day on Big Lake. Pretty much the same story as above except I drove all the way from Texas. Luckily I had ohter family obligations since the fishing was so tough.

I don't think I've ever casted so many times with so few bites. I threw just about every piece of plastic I had.

Decent water on the S/SE side of the lake but chocolate milk everywhere else (that I went). Winds stronger than forecasted (as usual). It was almost a scratch, but Father-in-law snagged a nice 5lb trout before we called it a day early. Other than that......nothing. I did enjoy going past the weirs and marveling at how many boats could squeeze into such a small area. Surely, that cannot be enjoyable?

Days like today really make you appreciate those easy limits in fall/winter!
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