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Old 06-08-2011, 09:48 AM
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SaltERedneck SaltERedneck is offline
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Default Confused on this issue.

I know there is no comparison to a mirage drive Hobie.... but i just dont see spending that kind of money for a kayak that i will only use once or twice a month.... now to the dilema. My wife wants to buy one for me. Heres the dilemma.... She has no source of income. She is handicapped and unable to work (wheelchair bound). My wife only has money for her illness and I am the primary caregiver. I do not expect nor ever ask her for anything. She tells me she wants to do this for me.... little caretaker that she is. I dont want to tell her not to get this for me, bc she really wants to do this and i feel that it is taking that away from her. She can not do many things in life..... in the back of my mind i am thinking save the money, i know we will need it for hospital bills. I have tried to beat it in her head that this is overkill, but she is not falling for that. I am lucky enough to have spent 3 years with this woman... and have cherished every minute. I do not think she has long left. If i tell her no does this take away anything from her?? I dont know what to do honestly. My wife can not take care of me the way she would have liked to. She tells me this is all she has left... what do i do with that? I have dealt with Lou Gherig's disease for the past three years. I have seen a vibrant young woman become stripped of pride and dignity. I have battled with her disease and get defeated every day. I have had a son with this beautiful woman and it has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am a realist, but dont count god out for one minute. Times are rough these days and i have a kid and wife to think about.... I want to put this kayak idea on the back burner, but i do not want to take something away from her that will eventually be taken away in time. I love my wife.... i dont expect a debate over this.... honestly just looking for thoughts and prayers as this has been a hard time in my life. Once writing this out the answer has become more clear... soo fishermen i leave you with this thought. Cherish your wives in all they have to offer. Be grateful for all that you have. If you leave here with anything in mind.... i hope its the thought that hope, faith, and courage can guide you through any situation.
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