Thread: Texas limits
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Old 06-17-2011, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
HA.... I took the online part of the test and all I have to do is go the BR and do Coast Guard but I can make some quick money on days off but then I have no patience's to fish people I dont know and have to battle tangle lines and so forth....

I rather go with buddy's and split the gas...... My wife wants me to get it and i could make $1500-$2000 a week on my days off....But then i would be like some of the other guides who make a living and hate to fish...

I feel for the guys who spend all year on the water....Its a damn hard job to keep fishing coming day in and day out and still enjoy it....

By hunting season those boys are ready to leave that boat behind.....

I just dont want to get that away...
Guiding is exactly that, some days it is great and everything goes right, but then there are those days that the big cold front comes thru fish got the lockjaw and if it was your choice, you would not fish, BUT those clients are coming down regardless and are paying you to fish. Those are the days that would stick in my mind = choppy, muddy water, north wind blowing, baiting peoples hooks, untangling, no sir not for me. 'Should have been here yesterday' just doesn't cut it! I enjoy fishing too much to do it for a living, kudos to those who guide though
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