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Old 06-17-2011, 01:11 PM
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cmdrost cmdrost is offline
Red Snapper
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Originally Posted by chasin'tail View Post
If the CCA and the guides wanted to protect their industry, it would have been better to set limits on your 2-4 lb fish. These are your brood stock group-limiting the # of these size fish in the old (25) limit would have been a smarter approach to helping the speck #'s.
and just how would you do that!?! LDWF would have laughed you out of the room. Talk about an enforcement nightmare. And where are you getting this info from? can go out and catch 25 trout 12-16 inchers or 24 inches and above. Can't keep anything 17"-23" That would go over really well.

"Spotted seatrout reaches sexual maturity at one to two years. Most large spotted seatrout caught are females and commonly live to be nine or 10 years of age. Anglers long ago recognized that very large trout were usually female and appropriately called them "sow" trout. A female spotted seatrout may spawn several times during the season. Younger females may release 100,000 eggs and older, larger females may release a million eggs. Recent studies indicate that spotted seatrout spawn between dusk and dawn and usually within coastal bays, estuaries and lagoons. They prefer shallow grassy areas where eggs and larvae have some cover from predators."
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