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Old 06-18-2011, 08:03 AM
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chasin'tail chasin'tail is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Lake Charles
Posts: 99
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Ckinchen, I don't believe the fishery is in a decline-but, the current limit that was instated has not helped one bit. That is the only measure that I know of that has been taken on regards to specks. It was done by those who have the power, I think they intended to do the fish some good, but it hasn't. w has it right to a degree, the boats that run the lake now- differently keeps the lake and reefs stirred up. You just have to be able to go when its at its optimum and you will catch your fish. Just like now the tide will be running after lunch here, and its time for me to go. And no I'm not going in BL today, I'm fishing Matagorda for the next 10 days. Good luck to all of you....
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