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Old 11-25-2011, 08:16 PM
Blue Marlin
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 9,105
Cash: 9,890
Churn Thanksgiving day ducks

Me and my dad went out to gc thanksgiving morning to make a quick hunt before our turkey feast. Started the morning with hearing a pile of ducks rafted up on the pasture behind us so we knew it was gonna be a decent hunt. Ended the day leaving the marsh at 9 with a total of 8 birds between the 2 of us, and scaring the hell out of quite a few decoying birds that left without a feather out of place on them. Should've had our 2 man limit, but my shooting has been off the last couple of hunts i think i might have got a bad batch of shells is what i'm gonna blame it on. As we were picking up birds the grey ducks started coming out the refuge in flocks of 10-20 birds and i mean a steady flow. Took all i had not to get back in the blind and try for the last 4, but we needed to get back so we could spend the day with the family. All in all a good hunt.

5 greys

1 teal

2 spoonies
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