Thread: $50.00 Lesson
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Old 12-23-2011, 11:01 PM
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Originally Posted by thegr8cody View Post
i work for my money but i dont mind helping someone in need.i know alot of the people askin for handouts probably deserve what they got, but im sure a few of them are people who just had a run of bad luck. i believe in karma. i dont mind helping people mainly cause it makes me feel good.not to ramble but i was at mcdonalds and this guy came up askin me for money for a "sammich" so i gave him some change like a $1-$2 after collecting it he walks out the door so i assume he just doesnt like mcdonalds, even though he was probably going to buy a "rock", well a month later to the day i was back in mcdonalds and as soon as i walk in this guy stopped me and said hey, i was meeting a friend for breakfast and he cancelled. so if you would like you can have this deluxe breakfast (still hot) so immediately i thought about giving that "crackhead" like $2 and now im enjoying a free $6 breakfast.funny how things work out
I dont mind helping someone out if they need a few bucks to get by but, I would like to chose who gets is and who dont. I give money every month at church, work and at times others by choice to help out both children and adults that need a little help but having some ***** in the white house or any other house take my money aginst my will and him or her GIVE it away to who they think needs it is aload of CRAP
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