Thread: Story Hour
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Old 01-26-2012, 11:05 AM
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meaux fishing meaux fishing is offline
Great White
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Yall got it all wrong...Iron man and his buddy fowler were down in the basin catching undersized bass in his brothers bullet. they decided to go back in time to catch the guys who stole his laptop so they built a flux capacitor out of lilly pads and branches that runs on choupique eggs. They tried to get the boat up to 88 mph but couldn't get on plane because the trim wasn't working right. So then they idled back to the launch which took three hours only to realize he lost his keys somewhere. It was ok though cause his spare was locked in the truck in his console safely. So he used his "slim jim" to try to open the door but right then a squatch ran out and tried to yank that thing off, cause he thought it was some jack links and you know how they like beef jerky. Well it was lucky this was Tuesday afternoon and he had his quickdraw on cause he pulled out his pistol and was able to get a shot off but missed and the squatch ran back in the woods. They tried to get it flux capacitor in the truck but it only worked in the water so they rode off together into the sunset and made it to terrific taco Tuesday just on time.
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