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Old 02-06-2012, 02:42 PM
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Duck Butter Duck Butter is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: South Central La
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Every bit of public turkey hunting land in Louisiana is hunted and hunted pretty hard, BUT many of the people will only hunt opening weekend and most of them only opening day til about 9 am (many 'turkey hunters' are just 'turkeys', they see a flock of turkeys during the winter where they deer hunt and they get real pumped up and when they get there opening day where they saw those turkeys and don't hear ten turkeys gobbling at daylight they get discouraged, those turkeys split up and may be 5 miles from that area) Hunt the weekdays and especially the last week of the season. There will be less people and the turkeys are not as 'henned up' later in the season and are actually looking for some female companionship. I only got to hunt twice last year and it was on a new area I never stepped foot on before. Went to check it out on the afternoon before the last day and ended up killing one within an hour of being there. Didn't see a single person. Also, be REALLY REALLY tight-lipped if you do happen to find a bird or two, tell anyone who asks you about your hunt that you didn't see or hear anything and that you were leaving to go fish Big Lake because the trout were jumping in the boat at Joe's Cove
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