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Old 03-10-2012, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by ckinchen View Post
I have never seen you go after a new guy or someone that you do not know which I appreciate. That being said when the new guy sees you guys going back and forth in reports the new guy might avoid positing a report so he isn't treated the same way. Those long W threads in the reports section hurt the site from a report encouragement perspective.

I do not want to kill the ability for people to reply to reports, I think that would also hurt the site but we can't keep going in the direction that we are going.
I come to this site to read reports and enjoy it very much, would really hate to see the plug pulled. There seems to be some very nice people here. I'm glad to see Ckinchen step in and take action on all the bashing of posts. Never did post for fear of being bashed and I'm sure plenty of other people feel the same way. I've gained plenty of knowledge from this site, Thank You