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Old 03-13-2012, 10:45 PM
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coco coco is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: toledobendlake
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I have in the past caught strippers in the midlake area cypress bend area , formerly called beach bluff on louisiana side , and on north end of rebel ridge on texas sidewe would find them last week in april and have caught to end of may u don't hear of many being caught over 15 to 18 lbs , in 1980 - 1985 they were plenty being caught on toledo all in river channel seemed like in every bend of river u could catch on small bream, bronze carp and what we call toledo grubs watermellon with 3/8 jig head general depth 20 to 24 feet with river depth being 65 to 70 ft at pool stage of 172.00 the dam is also a good area as decribed earlyer but lived at the pryer twin island for 18 years i didn't need to travel off too the dam
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