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Old 03-20-2012, 11:35 AM
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Duck Butter Duck Butter is offline
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Originally Posted by cgoods17 View Post
bottom line to all yalls arguments is that there are too many variables to think yall can come up with one way to fix the problem... duck hunting is over in louisiana.. if you want to see mass numbers of birds like the old days then you need to go up north(OK,KS). everywhere you turn there is an idiot putting in another blind 100 yds across the marsh or 2 levees over in the rice field.. another reason is we are losing so much habitat on the coast to salt water, all this hybrid rice that is now being planted.. there is just too much to take into consideration to blame for the problem... but i will say that i would like to see somethin done up north to try and help reset the migration patterns as well has making new habitat down here for the birds to feed and rest...
Louisiana kills mored ducks than ANY STATE, yes even Arkansas, Kansas, and Oklahoma!

We will always kill ducks, ducks such as gadwalls will always come down here no matter how much rice is planted in Missouri and Arkansas. You guys think ducks and you think MALLARDS. We still get plenty of mallards. We have the best duck hunting ANYWHERE. Where else can you go and shoot a limit of 6 ducks of 6 different species? We got it good, don't drink the koolaid about mallards. Those are the easiest ducks to kill, give me teal, gadwall, and pintails any day of the season. Wanna see mallards go to the park
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