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Old 03-29-2012, 03:04 PM
Blue Marlin
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Originally Posted by mstulb View Post
we went out deep three days before rita hit us in cameron and acouple weeks after katrina had hit no. The gulf was glass and we found a 60ft sailboat amongst fridgerators, pieces of roof tops, and the most debree i have seen out there. But under the sailboat there was a giant pile of tripletail and some big cobia. We jumped in with our snorkling equip and me and my friend each shot a nice triple tail and coming back to the boat. Whe i saw the biggest bul shark i have seen in my life in the gulf of mexico. Most sharks i have seen diving act a little curious then seem to lose interest pretty quick and swim off. This big dude came up to the surface and started lapping us getting closer and closer. Friend in the boat saw this occuring, and ran the boat quickly b/w us and the shark. Scary as #hit and something i will never forget seing that big daddy and the feeling that i was the prey!

he wouldn't of ate me, cause i don't think the sharks have a taste for human ****!!! It would have been all up in my drawers!!!
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