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Old 03-31-2012, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by fishinpox View Post
The thing is you can spell, the post I quoted was spelled and most grammar was perfect....your other past posts.... Whole different story. Personally I think you are a pretty cool and unique dude but don't be coming on here "poor me blah blah " when you purposely attract attention by spelling like an infant!
Dude u got a problem I can't help.

From what I can tell I brought down on me the crap my self. Not
An I'm an infent. Not
Man u need to take a look at ur self an see how much people in ur own life right next to u don't share with u because of ur own embaresment and how much u embaresment them wit ur hangups.

I will bet that because of fear of persucusion and being called names u miss out on a lot

I know what I'm talking about. I find myself in asimilar position.
Truth is I can't spell words come out to fast for the interface to Handel

And my own family worries so much about being embarised by me that well u figure.

There an't no ....oh me oh my poor me. Here jus the truth as I see it.

When people with money or old money get involved then even a small thing like tail gaiting town house ball becomes serious ya jus a joke for me but boy the number of don't do it u will imbaris ur whole family takes over.

Or if I write a letter with miss spelled words I embarised u.

Sorry ya I apologize for my inability to communicate on the same level as a English professor. Or even a fith grader . Sorry it's jus the way I am.

Seems like all I do is apologize for my self all the time ......such a waist.

Too bad cuz so much more could be done and expressed but mostly it's sorrow for the un wanted pity I sem to get because I embarised u.

What a waist of time .
Spelling that is. I don't feel like it's so important an don't feel like others that I might trans MIT some sort of disrespect to u by not spelling correct . To me u suck because u need to have the respect of others in the way they spell.
If I see a spelled word chances are it is spelled right and I jus see it wrong same as if I spell it in my head it's right but as soon as it's out it's wrong.

So for me if u and I were to go to a public place and see people doing there own thing I bet u would point out how stupid they all are and how much of an idiot someone is. I would say this is what humanity looks like and look for the root cause and talk about that.

Big diff. Dude

Embarisment is probably one of the worst emotions there are. It harms u by creating countless other emotions in the ones u love. Causing u to suffer and the ones around u to suffer twice as much.

Sorry I can't help u I pity u in the hope that u don't miss spell a word and embarised ur self too badly.

Cuz god knows when u do misspell a word the world wil end.