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Old 04-16-2012, 10:30 AM
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simplepeddler simplepeddler is offline
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Teal season, I'de say a must.

We hunt the mouth of the river and without many if ANY mallard down there teal finish a limit for us more times than not, so I use one in Venice.

Rice fields, not so much.
Hi pressured areas, not so much..........hiding and five decoys are the better option.

I agree with many of the posters that Techno is challenging our youth to "cheat" a little in the sport.

What I find ironic though, is many say the motorized decoy is too easy, but do not see the same in thier 25K surface drive.

I think if you learn the sport the traditional way, then the gadgets are a bonus.

I lot can be learned by poling to the blind in a pirogue before sun up.

Calling down here IMO needs to be minimal at best.
By the time ducks get here they have heard bad calling and shotgun blast for weeks.

Few decoys........
A good quack and no feed call in most cases does it for me.
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